Přijďte k nám ve dnech 12., 14. a 16. listopadu 2019, ať vidíte, na čem děláme! Více zde.
Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group on Computer Mechanics and Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR v.v.i. will organize the following presentation series on occassion of the visit of Prof. M. Rashid, University of California, Davis, USA in the Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, v.v.i. The presentations will be held in Lecture Room B of the Institute of Thermomechanics, Dolejškova 5, Praha 8 (directions); they will start at 10am on each day.
August 3 | Jiří Plešek On the Description of Directional Distortional Hardening in Continuum Plasticity |
August 4 | Zbyněk Hrubý Finite Element Investigation of the Elastic-Plastic Response Underneath Various Indentors and its Application in Ni-based Alloys Indentation Processes |
August 5. | René Marek Using 3D CAD Models for Stress Analyses in PMD Program |
August 9. | Radek Kolman Dispersion Error of Finite Element Discretizations in Elastic Wave Propagation |
August 10. | Petr Pařík Finite Solution of Sparse Linear Systems |
August 11 | Dušan Gabriel Development, Assessment and Verification of Finite Element Procedures for Contact-Impact Problems |
August 12. | Ján Kopačka Assesment of Methods for Calculating the Normal Contact Vector in Local Search |
August 16. | Miloslav Okrouhlík Solution of impact tasks, assessment of reliability |
August 17 | Mark M. Rashid Extending the Reach of the Finite Element Method: Polyhedral Elements, Solution Remapping, and Nonconforming Embedment |