Electron Transport in Nanoscale Assemblies. From Redox Mechanism to Molecular Conductance.
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Miniaturization of the electronic devices is a major challenge for our society in the 21st century. Fundamental understanding of the electron (charge) transfer at the level of individual molecules and molecular assemblies is the main goal of this project. Submitted proposal focuses on the electrochemical approach as a unique test platform for the development of basic molecular electronic components (conductors, switches and diodes). Emphasis is placed on the comparison of bulk redox properties of selected molecules at the electrode/electrolyte interface with the conductance values of individual molecules in low-dimensional structures (directed electron transfer). Research will be focused on the multi-center redox systems, on the structures with conformational switching abilities, host-guest assemblies and on the increase of communication at the molecular electronic junction by the choice of the anchoring group (tripods). Electron transfer studies will be complemented by theoretical calculations, by spectroscopic (in-situ UV-Vis-NIR, EPR) and microscopic (STM and AFM) methods.
Miniaturization of the electronic devices is a major challenge for our society in the 21st century. Fundamental understanding of the electron (charge) transfer at the level of individual molecules and molecular assemblies is the main goal of this project. Submitted proposal focuses on the electrochemical approach as a unique test platform for the development of basic molecular electronic components (conductors, switches and diodes). Emphasis is placed on the comparison of bulk redox properties of selected molecules at the electrode/electrolyte interface with the conductance values of individual molecules in low-dimensional structures (directed electron transfer). Research will be focused on the multi-center redox systems, on the structures with conformational switching abilities, host-guest assemblies and on the increase of communication at the molecular electronic junction by the choice of the anchoring group (tripods). Electron transfer studies will be complemented by theoretical calculations, by spectroscopic (in-situ UV-Vis-NIR, EPR) and microscopic (STM and AFM) methods.
Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna Ph.D.
507, 06
3197, 3068