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146 captures
9 Apr 16 - 1 Mar 25
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Nano Optics: Team members

Výzkumný tým Nano-optika / Nano-optics Research Team

Marek Piliarik, Ph.D. team leader
+420 266 773 417
Łukasz Bujak, Ph.D. associate scientist  bujak@ufe.cz +420 266 773 466
Hadrien Robert, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow robert@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
Antonio García Marín, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow marin@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
Milan Vala, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow vala@ufe.cz +420 266 773 466 
Kristýna Holanová, MSc. Ph.D. student
holanova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
David Palounek, MSc. Ph.D. student palounek@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
Martin Čičala technician cicala@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
Dominika Jurdová technician jurdova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 490
Anastázie Šáchová Open Science project    
Vítězslav Lužný Open Science project    


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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