
doc. Ing. Hanuš Seiner, Ph.D.

Phone +420 266 053 672 E-mail Room M2110 Department Department D 5 - Ultrasonic Methods Position Department head Research area ultrasonic methods, internal dynamics of materials
Curriculum vitae
Born in 1981 in Pardubice, Czech Republic.

2004 - Ing. (MSc.) degree, Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague
2008 - Ph.D. degree, Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague
2016 - associate professor in Applied Physics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague

since 2003 - employee of the Institute of Thermomechanics, CAS
2011 - 2018 deputy head of the Department of Ultrasonic Methods IT CAS
since 2018 head of the Department of Ultrasonic Methods IT CAS

Research stays:
2006 - TTU Tallinn, Estonia (2 weeks)
2007 - Oxford University, UK (1 month)
2013 - Leibniz Institute for Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, Germany (6 weeks)
2017/2018 - University of Minnesota, USA (10 months, Fulbright Scholarship)

1999 - Jaroslav Heyrovský Foundation Award
2014 a 2016 - CRYTUR Foundation Award (as supervisor)
2016 - Otto Wichterle Award
2017 - J. William Fulbright Commission Scholarship

View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
(see my ResearcherID for a full list and citations counts)

1. Straka, L., Heczko, O., Seiner, H., Lanska, N., Drahokoupil, J., Soroka, A., Fähler, S., Hänninen, H., Sozinov, A. Highly mobile twinned interface in 10 M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite: Analysis beyond the tetragonal approximation of lattice (2011) Acta Materialia, 59 (20), pp. 7450-7463.

2. Heczko, O., Straka, L., Seiner, H. Different microstructures of mobile twin boundaries in 10 M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite (2013) Acta Materialia, 61 (2), pp. 622-631.

3. Straka, L., Soroka, A., Seiner, H., Hänninen, H., Sozinov, A. Temperature dependence of twinning stress of Type i and Type II twins in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite (2012) Scripta Materialia, 67 (1), pp. 25-28.

4. Sedlák, P., Seiner, H., Zídek, J., Janovská, M., Landa, M. Determination of All 21 Independent Elastic Coefficients of Generally Anisotropic Solids by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: Benchmark Examples (2014) Experimental Mechanics, 54 (6), pp. 1073-1085.

5. Seiner, H., Straka, L., Heczko, O. A microstructural model of motion of macro-twin interfaces in Ni-Mn-Ga 10 M martensite (2014) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 64 (1), pp. 198-211.

6. Kabla, M., Seiner, H., Musilova, M., Landa, M., Shilo, D. The relationships between sputter deposition conditions, grain size, and phase transformation temperatures in NiTi thin films (2014) Acta Materialia, 70, pp. 79-91.

7. Šittner, P., Sedlák, P., Seiner, H., Sedmák, P., Pilch, J., Delville, R., Heller, L., Kadeřávek, L. On the coupling between martensitic transformation and plasticity in NiTi: Experiments and continuum based modelling (2018) Progress in Materials Science, 98, pp. 249-298.
2020-2022 GA20-12624SAdvanced laser-ultrasonic charakterization of structural transitions in metals - analysis beyond the homogenity assumption
2017-2019 GA17-01618SAkustika kapalin v periodických mikroarchitekturách
2017-2019 GA17-13573SKovové materiály s řízenou vnitřní architekturou
2014-2016 14-15264SExperimentálně podložené multiškálové modelování slitin s tvarovou pamětí
2014-2018 GA14-36566GMultidisciplinární výzkumné centrum moderních materiálů
2009-2010 GP202/09/P164Elasticity of martensitic microstructures
Internal Dynamics of Materials (Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering); 5th year students and postgraduates, one lecture (100mins) a week, winter term.

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