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Zodpovědný výzkumník:
V. Fuis
Výzkumný tým:
Fuis V., Janíček P.: Sensitivity Analysis of the Material Parameters of the Ceramics on the Inner Radius of the Hip Joint Endoprosthesis Head. In: Jablonski, R.; Brezina, T. ed. Advanced Mechatronics Solutions. Warsawa: Springer, 2015, s. 123-128. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 393. ISBN 978-3-319-23921-7. ISSN 2194-5357.
Fuis V., Janíček P.: Stress analysis of the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head for different values of shape deviations. In: Advanced Materials Research. Dürnten: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014, s. 770-775. ISBN 978-3-03835-102-3. ISSN 1022-6680.
Fuis V.: Tensile stress analyses of the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head with real shape deviations. In: 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam. NEW YORK: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 450-453. IFMBE Proceedings, 46. ISBN 978-3-319-11775-1. ISSN 1680-0737.
Fuis V., Janíček P.: Calculation of the bio-ceramic material parameters. In: Mechatronics 2013: Recent Technological and Scientific Advances. Berlin: Springer, 2014, s. 855-861. ISBN 978-3-319-02293-2.
Fuis V., Koukal M., Florian Z., Janíček P.: Computational Modelling of the Shape Deviations of the Sphere Surfaces of Ceramic Heads of Hip Joint Replacement. In: Roa Romero, L. ed. XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013.Seville: Springer, 2014, s. 89-92. IFMBE Proceedings, 41. ISBN 978-3-319-00845-5. ISSN 1680-0737.
Fuis V., Koukal M., Florian Z.: Shape deviations of the contact areas of the total hip replacement. In: Mechatronics - Recent Technological And Scientific Advances. Berlin: Springer, 2011, s. 203-212. ISBN 978-3-642-23243-5.
Fuis V., Málek M., Janíček P.: Probability of destructions in total joint endoprosthesis ceramic heads using Weibull's theory. In: Fuis, V. ed. Engineering Mechanics 2011. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AVČR, v.v.i, 2011, s. 1-711. ISBN 978-80-87012-33-8.
Koukal M., Fuis V., Florian Z., Janíček P.: A numerical study of effects of the manufacture perturbations to contacts of the total hip replacement. Engineering Mechanics, Roč. 18, č. 1 (2011), s. 33-42.
Fuis V., Návrat T.: Calculation of the ceramics Weibull parameters. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Roč. 58, - (2011), s. 642-647.
Fuis V., Návrat T., Vosynek P.: Analyses of the shape deviations of the contact cones of the cotal hip joint endoprostheses. IFMBE Proceedings. Singapure : Springer, 2010 - (Lim, C.; Goh, J.) s. 1451-1454.
Fuis V.: Tensile stress analysis of the ceramic head with micro and macro shape deviations of the contact areas. Recent Advances in Mechatronics 2008-2009. Berlin : Springer, 2009, s. 425-430.
Fuis V., Janíček P., Hlavoň P.: Contact surfaces of big joints - sites of the development of limit states and other considerations. Engineering Mechanics, Roč. 15, č. 5 (2008), s. 381-388.
Fuis V., Janíček P., Houfek L.: Stress and reliability analyses of the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head with macro and micro shape deviations. 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, s. 1580-1584.
Fuis V., Varga J.: Stress analyses of the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head with different shapes of the cone opening. 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Berlin : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, s. 2012-2015.
Fuis V., Návrat T., Hlavoň P., Koukal M., Houfek M.: Analysis of contact pressure between the parts of total hip joint endoprosthesis with shape deviations. Journal of Biomechanics, Roč. 40, suppl. 2, (2007), s. 558-S558.
Fuis V., Návrat T., Hlavoň P., Janíček P.: Reliability of the ceramic head of the total hip joint endoprosthesis using Weibull’s weakest-link theory. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006. Seoul : Springer, s. 1-4.