Prager Tagblatt

Text dotazu

I am looking for Prager Tagblatt 81, Thursday, 6 April 1937, the article "Zweierlei Mexico" by Hermann Schefter. Can you help? I am in USA and do not have direct access to libraries in ČR.


Dear Sir or Madam,

the requested article could be found on pages 3-4, it was published as a feuilleton. The full citation is following:
* SCHEFTER, Hermann. Zweierlei Mexico. Prager Tagblatt. 1937, Jg. 62, Nr. 81 (6. April 1937), S. 3-4.


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Datum zadání dotazu

02.04.2015 01:44

Kateřina Tvrdá píše:
Čtvrtek 17.12.2015 21:05
Hi, for full view / download try to search This is where the Czech National Library opens digitalized materials to public.
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