Mgr. Eliška Poláčková Ph.D.

Foto pracovníka Eliška Poláčková
+420 234 612 331

Department of Classics and Classical Reception
postdoctoral scholar

Research focus

Classical Roman Theatre and Drama, Medieval Bohemian Theatre and Drama (in Czech and Latin), Translating for Theatre (theory, and practice: translating from Latin)

Academic websites profile ( etc.)škaPoláčková


2017: PhD, Theatre and Film History and Theory, dissertation: Theatricality of Bohemian Literature of the Fourteenth Century, Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

2011: MA, Theatre History and Theory, Latin Language and Literature (specialized in Medieval Latin), final thesis: Pseudolus by Plautus - Czech Translations and Productions, Department of Theatre Studies, Department of Classics, Masaryk University

2010: BA, English Language and Literature, final thesis: Everyman and Homulus: Analysis of Their Genetic Relation, Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University

2008: BA, Latin Language and Literature, Czech Language and Literature, final thesis: The Ballad by Karel Jaromír Erben ‘Svatební košile’ – Genesis and reception of the Text, Department of Classics, Department of Czech Language and Literature, Masaryk University

Employment history

2016-now: Department of Theatre Studies, Masaryk University, Assistant Professor (Assistant until 2017)

2014-now: Centre for Classical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, researcher

2012-2014: Centre for Innovation of Arts Studies, Department of Musicology, staff


2019‒2020: Internal scholarship of the Czech Academy of Sciences supporting young and postdoctoral researchers, “Medieval Bohemian Plancts – Description and Analysis”

Fellowships and research stays

5day research stay at the National and Kapodistrian University in Athens, 2–6 Sept 2019

Teaching stay financed by Erasmus+ at the Department of Theatre Studies, University in Bergen, 5–6 March 2018

5day research stay in Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek, library of Swedish Academy of Letters (Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien), 28 Aug–1 Sept 2017


  • Theatre and Drama in Classical Greek and Rome: Classical Greek and Roman Theatre, Reading Euripides´ Hippolytus, Reading Plautus´ Mostellaria and Menaechmi
  • Medieval Theatre, Drama, and Performances: Medieval Theatre, Medieval Performances, Plancts - Between Text and Performance, Feast of Fools as a Cultural Performance
  • Theatre Translation: Adapting for Theatre (with Pavel Drábek), Translating Curculio for Stage

Conference papers and lectures abroad

July 2019: "Preaching Suffering and Redemption in High-Medieval Bohemian Plancts", Triennial Conference of the Societé internationale pour l’étude du théatre médieval, Genoa

May 2019:  "A Glimmer of Hope With Plautus. Frejka’s Pseudolus in the National Theatre, Prague, 1942", Conference of the Network of Research and Documentation of Ancient Greek Drama “From Antiquity to Modernity: Performing Greek and Roman Drama”, Praha

October 2018: Conference paper "Translating ‘Curculio’ For Stage", co-authored with Tomáš Weissar, Ludi Plautini Sarsinates II, Sarsina (Italy)

October 2018: "Liminality of the altar/piece in the Middle Ages. Liturgical and Para-liturgical performances", co-authored paper (with Jan Klípa) at the international conference Liminality and the Medieval Art II (Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University)

September 2018: "‘O Strange Humour!’ Translating Plautus For Performance", paper at the international ESSE Conference (Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University), given in the panel "Literary Hermeneutics: Openness In Translating Drama and Verse" (organized by Pavel Drábek and Pascale Drouet)

July 2018: Paper at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK; "A Prince or a Pauper?: Staging Noble Lineage in the Coronation Order of Emperor Charles IV"

July 2015: Paper at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK; "Between Text and Performance: Planctus as Liminal Genre"

July 2013: paper at the Triennial Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'étude du Théâtre Médiéval, Poznaň, Poland; "Ungeuntarius or the Ointment Seller: omnipresent character in European medieval drama"

June 2012: Paper at the Postgraduate Symposium of Ancient Drama, Oxford and London, UK; "The Site-Specific Seneca"

January 2011: Paper at the conference Tragic Heroines on Ancient and Modern Stage, Coimbra, Portugal; "Seneca´s Phaedra – A Overpassionate Heroine: Analysis of Hana Burešová´s Faidra"

July 2008: Summer School of Ancient Drama, organized by European Network of Reasearch and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Epidauros, Greece

Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic

October 2019: Requested lecture "Medieval Theatre and Performance as a Methodological Question" in The Introduction to Medievalist Methodology and Themes, Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

May 2018: Requested lecture "Medieval Planct - Between Text and Performance" in The Introduction to Medievalist Methodology and Themes, Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

April 2018: "Medieval Planct - Between Text and Performance". Requested lecture at the 65th Medievistic Friday (Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University)

December 2017: Conference paper "Theatricality of the Heroides", Roma avrea MMXVII Ovidian Contexts and Inspirations, Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (joint paper with Eliška Šolcová)

October 2017: "Medieval Performativity", lecture, Theatre Research Society (Prague)

September 2015: Paper at the conference Roma Argentea, organized by the Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University; "Czech Theatre Reception of Seneca... or Phaedra"

November 2014: Lecture at the Department of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, "Old Czech and Latin Bohemian Medieval Placts: Between Text and Performance"

March 2014: Lecture at the Department of Theatre Studies; "Medieval Bohemian Unguentarius Three Times Revisited" with Eva Stehlíková and Martin Bažil


November 2019: Lecture on Plautine stock characters at the Day with Latin, Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

July 2019: Workshop for secondary-school teachers "How to speak with students about theatre", Festival of Czech Language and Literature Šrámkova Sobotka

July 2019: Lecture "Classical Literature as a Performance", Summer School of Classics, Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

March 2018: "Nechte si ty svoje fóra... teda fóry". Translating Roman Comedy, lecture at the Translation Day, University in Ostrava, co-authored with Tomáš Weissar

July 2017: lecture and seminar "Classical Antiquity and Medieval Cathedral" (with Mgr. Amálie Bulandrová), Summer school of Classics „Eikón, imago, simulacrum. Images and Visuality of Classical Antiquity“, Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences and the Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

November 2016: Lecture on stock characters in Plautus´ palliata at the Open Day of the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

November 2016: Lecture on Roman Theatre and Drama at the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague

October 2016: Lecture on the images of Antiquity in literature of Medieval Bohemia at the Paedagogical Faculty, Charles University, Prague

November 2015: Lecture on slave in Plautus´ palliata at the Open Day of the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

July 2015: Lecture at the Summer School of Classics, organized by the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, "Old Czech Translations as a Means of Education in Medieval Monastery"

November 2014: Lecture on stereotypes connected with the Classical Antiquity at the Open Day of the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

June 2014: Lecture at the Summer School of Classics, organized by the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences; "Plautus´ Amphitruo and the Others"

May 2014: Lecture in the Centre for Medieval Studies; "Medieval Theatre"

July 2012: Lecture at the Summer School of Classics, organized by the Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences; "Pseudolus by Plautus - Czech Translations and Productions"

Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies

Member of the Société Internationale pour l’étude du Théâtre Médiéval

Member of the Network of the Research and Documentation of Ancient Greek and Roman Drama

Honors and awards

2nd prize, Evald Schorm Prize for an original play, adaptation or translation; Czech Theatre Agency DILIA, 2018 (translation of Titus Maccius Plautus "Curculio or Darmojed", translators: Tomáš Weissar, Eliška Poláčková, Daniela Urbanová, Radek Černoch)

Scholarship from the DILIA, Czech Theatre, Literary and Audiovisual Agency for the translation of Titus Maccius Plautus Curculio (with Daniela Urbanová, Tomáš Weissar and Radek Černoch), 2018

2nd prize ex aequo, Dean´s Prize For Outstanding BA, MA, and PhD Theses, for dissertation "Theatricality of Bohemian Literature of the Fourteenth Century"

Current projects

  • monograph on Medieval Bohemical Plancts in English
  • collective monograph on Performance and Performativity as a methodological tool in Czech Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts (with Alice Koubová)
  • organizing Summer Schools of Classics (with Alena Sarkissian)