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Czech Republic parliament and government representatives visit Fermilab

Representatives from the Czech parliament and government visited Fermilab on 19 November 2014. The Czech delegation met with the Fermilab management team and learned about the laboratory's program. Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer welcomed Jan Hamáček, speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Daniel Herman, minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, and their staff.

Group photograph of representatives of Parliament and Government of the Czech Republic together with scientists in Fermilab

Deputy Director Joe Lykken highlighted the 20-year history of Czech scientists collaborating on Fermilab experiments, including DZero and NOvA. The visitors met with Czech scientists at Fermilab and toured the MINOS underground area including the NOvA Near Detector. Czech institutions Charles University in Prague, Czech Technical University, Institute of Computing Science ASCR and Institute of Physics ASCR collaborate on the Fermilab experiments NOvA and D0.

From left: Jan Hamáček, speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Bořek Lizec, consul general of the Czech Republic in Chicago, Nigel Lockyer, director of Fermilab

The members of delegation have been pleased with active role of the Czech researchers who hold responsible functions at the experiments.

From left: Mark Messier, co-spokesperson of the NOvA experiment and Daniel Herman, minister of culture of the Czech Republic

Fermilab announcement of 3 December 2014
