Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 3/2017

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Obsah čísla


Agnieszka Bielewska, Krzysztof Jaskułowski:
Place Belonging in a Mobile World. A Case Study of Migrant Professionals [343]

Martin Lakomý, Marcela Petrová Kafková:
Resilience as a Factor of Longevity and Gender Differences in Its Effects [369]

Petra Anýžová:
The Social-Psychological Context of Human Values: The Reciprocal Relationship between Personality Traits and Value Orientations [393]

Tomáš Urbánek:
Interdisciplinarity or Paradisciplinarity? A Reflection on Possible Collaboration between Scientific Disciplines [427]

Petra Anýžová:
A Response to Tomáš Urbánek [433]

Studie ze sociální teorie

Uta Gerhardt:
Confrontations and Controversies in the Theory of Talcott Parsons [437]

Zemřel Petr Matějů

Michael L. Smith:
In Memoriam, Petr Matějů [463]

Robert M. Hauser, Iván Szelényi, Donald J. Treiman, Jonathan Kelley and Mariah Evans, Péter Róbert, Hans-Peter Blossfeld:
Memories from International Colleagues [469]


Achim Kemmerling:
Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee: The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies [477]

Paul Marx:
Colin Crouch: Governing Social Risks in a Post Crisis Europe [479]

Sergiu Delcea:
Rogers Brubaker: Grounds for Difference [481]

Christoph Nguyen:
Steffen Mau: Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class: Why Did the European Middle Classes Accept Neo-Liberalism? [484]

Igor Guardiancich:
Kati Kuitto: Post-Communist Welfare States in European Context: Patterns of Welfare Policies in Central and Eastern Europe [487]

Ricardo Rodrigues:
Bernhard Weicht: The Meaning of Care: The Social Construction of Care for Elderly People [490]

Alexandru Daniel Moise:
Jonathan Wistow, Tim Blackman, David Byrne and Gerald Wistow: Studying Health Inequalities: An Applied Approach [493]

Tomáš Ledvinka:
Kyle McGee: Bruno Latour: The Normativity of Networks [496]

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