David Svoboda

Mgr. David Svoboda, Ph.D. (1971)


Ph.D., Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, 2009

Mgr., Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, 2002

Bcl., Catholic Theological Faculty, 2003

Bcl., University od Jan Evangelista Purkyně, 1995

My scholarly interests include history of medieval and early modern academical philosophy, I am interested in metaphysical problems such as the ontology of relations and numbers, universals, Divine foreknowledge and human freedom. I study especially the thought of Thomas Aquinas and his followers. Since 2002 I am a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and since 2003 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague.

For publications, conference activities and other details see the Czech personal page.

18-05-2013 08:30:42