Research Team for Translations and Editions of Medieval Philosophical and Theological Texts

TRANSED (TRANSlations & EDitions) provides critical editions and Czech translations of hitherto unedited and untranslated medieval philosophical and theological texts belonging to three closely interconnected fields of medieval thought:

1) Medieval Aristotelianism

2) The philosophical and theological tradition of medieval Bohemia, in particular that of the university of Prague

3) Scholastic theology

This program of text editions and translations is complemented by in-depth studies related to the aforementioned three fields enhancing the understanding and interpretation of the edited and translated texts. At present, the following department members participate in TRANSED (some of them being involved in other teams within the department at the same time):

Dr.Phil. Pavel Blažek


Pavel Blažek studied history and medieval studies in London (University College London), Pisa (Scuola Normale Superiore), Louvain-la-Neuve (Université Catholique de Louvain), and Jena (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität), where he received his PhD in 2004. His research interests comprise the medieval reception of Aristotle, medieval social philosophy, the history of marriage and the family in medieval thought, and the medieval reception of the Bible. One particular concern of his work is the editing of medieval philosophical ant theological texts.

Mgr. Miroslav Hanke, Ph.D.


After receiving the Ph.D. degree at the Palacký University Olomouc in 2010 he worked as a researcher at the University of South Bohemia (2010–2011), lecturer of sociology at the Palacký University Olomouc (2011). Currently, he works as a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic (since 2011) and a researcher in the Research Centre for the Theory and History of Science within the Department of Philosophy of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (since 2012). His research focuses on late-medieval and post-medieval scholastic logic.

doc. PhDr. Petr Hlaváček, Ph.D.


Since 2008 he has been coordinator of the Collegium Europaeum of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His research interest is intellectual and cultural history, mainly the problematics of the European identity and the national messianism in the middle ages and early modern times.

Mgr. Efrém Jindráček, Ph.D.


His main interest lies in metaphysics, history of medieval philosophy, history of Thomism and the works of Thomas Aquinas. He serves as a teacher and vice-dean at the Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

Mgr. Lukáš Lička, Ph.D.


He focuses on the history of medieval Latin philosophy and science (13th to 15th century), especially on theory of sensory perception and optics and connected issues in philosophy of mind (attention, intentionality, active perception, consciousness, body/mind relation) as presented by some Franciscan thinkers (e.g. Peter Olivi or Peter Auriol); newly, he also deals with philosophy at the Prague university around 1400. 

doc. Marek Otisk, Ph.D.


He concentrates on the beginnings of scholastic philosophy between 10th and 12th century, especially focusing on the quadrivum (primarily arithmetic and astronomy) and methodological-logical, grammatical-dialectical and metaphysical questions with specialisation in the influence of (not only) Peripatetic tradition on the early medieval thought.

Mgr. Ota Pavlíček, Ph.D., Th.D.


Having obtained his PhD (Charles University in Prague & Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV, 2014) with a thesis on the thought of Jerome of Prague (†1416), Ota Pavlíček works mostly on topics from Late Medieval intellectual history and history of thought. He specialises in the history of production of knowledge in Late Medieval Europe, with a particular interest in the Prague Faculties of Arts and Theology and their links (including the transmission of knowledge) with their counterparts in Central Europe and the West. His research interests include philosophical (metaphysics, logic, astrology) and theological (mostly philosophical theology) discussions, the philosophical background of the Reformation and various types of debates including the quodlibets. Another area of his research interest is the field of Digital Humanities and the tools from this field which he uses on the corpora of late medieval texts he works with. He runs various projects in both the fields.

PhDr. Milan Žonca, Ph.D.


Milan Žonca is a cultural and intellectual historian of Judaism. He studied Hebrew Studies and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague and completed his PhD in History at Queen Mary, University of London under the supervision of Professor Miri Rubin in 2015. He has been postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Philosophy since 2016. He is also affiliated with the Department of Middle Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague as a lecturer in Hebrew and Jewish Studies (since 2014) and with the University Centre for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought (since 2016).

Former members

doc. PhDr. Vilém Herold, CSc.

PhDr. Ivan Müller, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Machula, Dr.


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