Hana Maříková:
Když dva dělají totéž... [82]
Maříková, Hana. 2007. „Když dva dělají totéž....“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 8 (2): 82-86
Abstract: Father’s involvement in child care and nurture is considered to be one of the ways to erode cultural and social inequalities between genders. This paper aims to answer the question whether in families where fathers contribute to child nurture in the early phases of a child’s life gender inequalities are eroded or whether the given status quo is merely modified. The text builds on a qualitative study conducted in 2006 through semi-structured interviews. Their goal was to capture in what ways parents construct their parenting and non-parenting roles, how they form and perceive their parenting and gender identity. In analysing the issue, the text is not limited to this study and builds on findings from other research and studies related to this issue.
Keywords: Fathering, Gender in/equality, Hegemonic masculinity