General information
Listy filologické - Folia philologica (ISSN 0024-4457) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal for classical, medieval and neo-Latin studies and for Old Czech, founded in 1874. It is published by the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is a leading journal in its field in the Czech Republic. Listy filologické is regularly abstracted / indexed in all international scientific databases such as L'Année Philologique, CEJSH, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus, Web of Science etc. Full-texts are also available through JSTOR. The journal accepts submissions in Czech, English, German, French or Italian languages.
Listy filologické (LF) is a journal devoted to classical philology and classical tradition (i.e. the tradition of ancient Greece and Rome) in mediaeval and early modern Central Europe (linguistics - literature - cultural history - philosophy, etc.) and also to the history of Czech language and literature. No particular area of this entire spectrum or methodology is preferred. The journal also brings up-to-date reviews of foreign as well as Czech scholarly literature. All contributions (except for reviews) are being anonymously sent for peer-review to the two referees (double blind peer-review). The journal is being published two times a year (two double issues), usually at the end of September and at the end of December.
Listy filologické
Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Na Florenci 3
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic
tel.: (+420) 234 612 323
fax: (+420) 222 828 305

PhDr. Martin Svatoš, CSc.
Managing Editor
Mgr. Matěj Novotný, Ph.D.
Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha