
W. V. Quine: Vybrané články k ontologii a epistemologii

Marvan, Tomáš - Dostálová, L. (eds.)
(W.W. Quine: Selected Papers in Ontology and Epistemology)

Table of Contents

The collection comprises six pivotal essays by W. V. O. Quine, one of the key philosophers of the 20th century, and an introductory survey by T. Marvan.

Plzeň: Nakladatelství Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2006. 152 pp. ISBN 80-7043-510-0

Wittgenstein, L., Modrá a Hnědá kniha

Petr Glombíček (translation)
(The Blue and Brown Books. Preliminary Studies for Philosophical Investigations. Das Blaue Buch. Eine Philosophische Betrachtung; Das Braune Buch)

Table of Contents

A translation of two extensive texts by Ludwig Wittgenstein, based on his Cambridge lecture courses in 1933-34. The books were the only source for Wittgenstein's contemporaries who wanted to learn more about his post-Tractatus work. Wittgenstein here presents for the first time his new approach to theory of meaning, his conception of rule-following, of language games etc. The texts are unique in their form too, in that they are not a series of short remarks, but a more continuous and accessible exposition. The translation from English is augmented by footnotes marking more significant discrepancies between English and German texts.

Praha: Filosofia, 2006. 265 pp. ISBN 80-7007-237-7

Special issue of Filosofický časopis

Glombíček, Petr – Hill, James (eds.)

The special issue of the journal Filosofický časopis seeks to introduce Locke's philosophy to the Czech philosophical public as well as to help those already working on it. The articles place particular emphasis on Locke's epistemology, political thought and theology.

Special issue of Filosofický časopis. Vol. 53, No. 1, 2005, 150 pp.

Kantův kategorický imperativ

Chotaš, Jiří – Karásek, Jindřich (eds.)
(Kant's Categorical Imperative)

The book contains translations of pivotal texts in contemporary interpretation of Kant's principle of morality. The texts by leading Kantian scholars (e.g. O. Höffe, D. Henrich, A. Reath a J. Ebbinghaus, Ch. Korsgaard) is divided into three thematic groups: Kant's principle of morality is elucidated as the criterion of moral action, as motive for its realization and as the principle to be used for deriving specific duties. The book is intended for philosophers working on Kant's ethics as well as for university students.

Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2005. 149 pp. ISBN 80-7298-096-3