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«2018 2020 2021
44 captures
14 Jul 12 - 6 Oct 20
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Software developement



Name end description

Sokol Z.
Řezáčová D.


Software for estimation of the impact of atmospheric plumes from cooling towers on fog and icing development

Software estimating the impact of cooling tower plumes on fog and icing development was prepared and applied. The software is written in Fortran.

Sokol Z.
Řezáčová D.


Software for simulating dispersion of plumes generated by colling towers with natural and mechanical draft

Software based on the mathematical model CT-PLUME/3 has been developer. The software calculates the impact of cooling tower plumes on changes of temperature and humidity, on development of precipitation, fog and icing and calculates areas covered by visible parts of plumes. Both types of cool tower with a natural and mechanical draft can be used. The code considers from 1 to 8 cooling towers and contains algorithm for merging plumes. The software is written in Fortran and allows batch processing of data.

Sokol Z.
Řezáčová D.


Impact of cooling towers on local climatology

Software based on the mathematical model CT-PLUME/2 has been developer. The software calculates the impact of cooling tower plumes on changes of temperature and humidity, on development of precipitation, fog and icing and calculates areas covered by visible parts of plumes. The code considers 1 to 8 cooling towers and contains algorithm for merging plumes. The software is in Fortran and allows batch processing of data.

Križan P.


Program for evaluation of ozone lamina characteristics

This program computes the average number of ozone laminae per profile and average ozone content in laminae per profile from vertical ozone profile.

Roux A.
Koucká Knížová P.
Abry P.


Acoustic-gravity wave detection toolbox in ionospheric plasma

Wavelet-based methodology is used for detection and characterization of acoustic-gravity waves propagating through Ionosphere. It is based on data consisting of the time fluctuations of electron concentrations at different heights, collected from vertical Ionospheric sounding. First, the local maxima of the continuous complex wavelet transforms is detected, separately at each heights. Second, the maxima that exist jointly within the same time-period neighborhood, over a continuous range of heights are connected. From the derivation of the phases of the wavelet transform along these maxima lines, we extract the propagation parameters.

Pešice P.
Řezáčová D.


PrekCalc – software for calculation of convective precursors.

PrekCalc is the software for calculation of convective precursors from aerological measurements. Convective precursors are the quantities which characterize the convective environment and which can be used in forecasting the convective phenomena. These are the convective indices, based usually on empirical observation, the quantities describing the energy of the atmosphere – convective available potential energy (CAPE) and its variations and the quantities, which characterize the wind shear.

Sokol Z.


UFA_MERGE – methods and software for calculation of areal distribution of precipitation

A method for estimation of areal precipitation based on merging radar reflectivity and gauge data was developed. A software using this method was prepared and it was operationally used in the Czech hydrometeorological institute.