Photosynthetica, 2007 (vol. 45), issue 4

Photosynthetica 2007, 45(4):606-611 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-007-0104-3

Fluorescence excitation spectra of drought resistant and sensitive genotypes of triticale and maize

M. T. Grzesiak1,*, A. Rzepka2, T. Hura1, S. Grzesiak1, K. Hura3, W. Filek3, A. Skoczowski1
1 The Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
2 Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Pedagogical Academy, Cracow, Poland
3 Department of Plant Physiology, Cracow Agricultural University, Cracow, Poland

An influence of soil drought (7 or 14 d) and 7 d recovery on changes of leaf fluorescence excitation spectra at wavelengths of 450, 520, 690, and 740 nm (F450, F520, F690, F740) for drought resistant and sensitive genotypes of triticale and maize was compared. In non-stressed plants the differences between maize and triticale were observed for F450 and F520, but not for F690 and F740. Drought caused the increase in F450, F520, and F690 and this increase was more distinct for drought sensitive genotypes. After re-hydration, chlorophyll fluorescence mostly recovered to values of control plants. Drought caused significant increase in F690/F740 but not in F450/F690 and F450/F520. For triticale, highest increase in F690/F740 was observed in the 4th and 7th leaves of resistant genotype and contrarily in maize for the sensitive one. After recovery, the F450/F520, F450/F690, and F690/F740 ratios mostly returned to values of control plants.

Keywords: Triticale; Zea

Received: April 20, 2007; Accepted: June 28, 2007; Published: December 1, 2007Show citation

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Grzesiak, M.T., Rzepka, A., Hura, T., Grzesiak, S., Hura, K., Filek, W., & Skoczowski, A. (2007). Fluorescence excitation spectra of drought resistant and sensitive genotypes of triticale and maize. Photosynthetica45(4), 606-611. doi: 10.1007/s11099-007-0104-3.
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