
PhD programs

The Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, v. v. i., currently has five doctoral degree programs accredited together with partner universities:

1) In the doctoral study program Philosophy study field Philosophy (in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts, Charles University). Full-time and combined form of study, standard length of study is 4 years. The Philosophy program is also accredited in English. The joint accreditation is currently valid until 31 December 2024.

2) In the doctoral study program Philosophy study field Philosophy (in cooperation with the Faculty of Education, Charles University). Full-time and combined form of study, standard length of study is 4 years. The study field is also accredited in English and German. The joint accreditation is currently valid until 31 July 2021.

3) In the doctoral study program Philosophy study field Philosophy of Religion (in cooperation with the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University). Full-time and combined form of study, standard length of study is 4 years. The field of study is also accredited in English and German. The joint accreditation is currently valid until 31 March 2024.

4) In the doctoral study program Humanities Studies study field History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen). Full-time and combined form of study, standard length of study is 4 years. The field of study is also accredited in English. The joint accreditation is currently valid until 16 June 2029.