ASEP Publications
0482196 - FLÚ 2018 RIV FR fre J - Journal Article
Kouba, Petr
Etre visible, devenir invisible et la capacité de voir. Ľ migration rom comme événement politique.
[Being visible, becoming invisible and a capacity to see. Roma emigration as a political event.]
L' Homme et la Societe. -, č. 203/204 (2017), s. 139-159. ISSN 0018-4306
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: visibility * invisibility * event * power of the powerless
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
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0490036 - FLÚ 2019 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Kouba, Petr
Heidegger a Nancy: sociální změna mezi projektem a událostí.
[Heidegger and Nancy: Social Change between Project and Event.]
Filosofický časopis. Roč. 66, č. 2 (2018), s. 189-204. ISSN 0015-1831
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * sociality * social change * project * event * ontology
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0465575 - FLÚ 2017 RIV DE eng B - Monograph kniha jako celek
Kouba, Petr
Margins of Phenomenology.
Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2016. 151 s. Libri nigri, 55. ISBN 978-3-95948-144-1
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP401/10/1164
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * post-phenomenology * world * disease * suffering
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0443771 - FLÚ 2016 RIV DE eng B - Monograph kniha jako celek
Kouba, Petr
The Phenomenon of Mental Disorder. Perspectives of Heidegger's Thought in Psychopathology.
Cham: Springer, 2015. 214 s. Contributions to Phenomenology, 75. ISBN 978-3-319-10322-8
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP401/10/1164
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: mental disorder * daseinsanalysis * schizoanalysis * temporality * finitude
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0451529 - FLÚ 2016 RIV IT fre M - Monograph chapter
Kouba, Petr
Tout d'abord comme tragédie, puis comme farce?
[First as a tragedy, then as a farce?]
Outis! Revue de philosophie (post)europea. Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2014, s. 137-153. ISBN 9788857527260
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP401/10/1164
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: emigration * Romani * state * population
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
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