Mgr. Zdeněk Sloboda
academic staff
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ORCID profil profil
Curriculum vitae
Currently enrolled:
- since 2008, Dr.phil., Universität Leipzig - Media and Communication Studies (field: Media Literacy Education)
- since 2016, Ph.D., School of Humanities, Charles University Prague - Civil Society Studies
- 2005, Mgr. (Master), Fac. of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague - Media Studies
- 2003, Bc. (Bachelor), Fac. of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague - Journalism
Field of specialisation:
Area of social studies in sexualities and gender:
- activism and social movement
- sexual citizenship
- parenting, families and partnership
- adolescence, socialization and sexualities in the school environment
- masculinities (i.e. in sports)
Area of Media Studies
- media representations (e.g. of gender and sexualities)
- media literacy and media socialization/education
- media theories
Teaching activities:
- at Faculty of Arts, Palacky University, Dep. of Media and Cultural Studies and Journalism, (since 2010), courses: Základy sociologie, Kvalitativní metody výzkumu médií, Základy sociologie sportu, Metodika mediální výchovy, Mužská studia, Feministická kritika médií, Společenskovědní paradigmata
- at Fac. of Economic Studies, University of Finance and Administration [VŠFS], Dep. of Marketing Communication (since 2011), courses: Sociologie makretingové komunikace, Analýza mediálních a sociologických dat, Sociological Research in Marketing Use, Social Theories of Modern Society
- at Fac. of Arts, University of West Bohemia, Dep. of Sociology (2011 - 2017), courses: Mediální gramotnost a socializace, Teorie masové komunikace II, Sociologie sexuality a genderu
- at Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague, Dep. of Sociology (2006 - 2012) kurz Sexualita a genderové identity
Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad:
- 2006 - 2007, Universität Leipzig, Germany, research stipendium (10 mts.) (DAAD)
- 2010 - 2011, Universität Leipzig, Germany, postgradual stipendium (10 mts.) (Česko-německý Fond budoucnosti)
- 05/2013, Uniwersytet Lodzki, Poland, academic staff mobility (1 week) (Erasmus)
- 2017, Universität Leipzig, Germany, stipendium for akademics returning from parental leave (12 mts.) (Free State Saxony)
Biographic information:
- Member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research (previously Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum) (since 2013).
- Member of the organizational committee of the academic conference Sexualities (since 2011).
- Chir of the Committee for Sexual Minorities of the Government Council for Human Rights (since 2011 member, since 2015 chair).
- Member of the Centre for Cultural, Media and Communication Studies at Fac. of Arts of the Palacky University in Olomouc (since 2012).
- Member of the Czech Sociological Association (since 2017).
- Member of the Genderová expertní komora ČR z.s. (od 2015).
- Founder and member of the Asociace pro mediální pedagogiku z.s. (since 2006).
- Founder and member of the Platforma pro rovnoprávnost, uznání a diverzitu z.s. (since 2011).
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