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Semináře a workshopy oddělení 29

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 20.02.2020 16:00

Abstrakt: In this talk three different studies we have undertaken to address cosmological issues, like dark energy, will be presented and their results will be discussed. In these studies we have tried to remain model agnostic as much as possible. In particular, our first study (arxiv:1902.11051) concerns a cosmic fluid obeying rest-mass conservation of unspecified equation of state (EoS) in an unspecified background assuming just that the fluid's speed of sound is positive and less than the speed of light. Our second study (arXiv:2001.00825) performs a dynamical analysis of a barotropic...

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Seminář / Čtvrtek, 13.02.2020 16:00

Abstrakt: Cosmic inflation makes the universe flat and homogeneous, but under which conditions inflation will start? I will discuss some analytical results that show, with very weak assumptions, that inflation starts somewhere and some (partial) results about a de Sitter ho-hair theorem.

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