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Seminar / Thursday, 13.02.2020 16:00

Paolo Creminelli (ICTP, Trieste)

Abstract: Cosmic inflation makes the universe flat and homogeneous, but under which conditions inflation will start? I will discuss some analytical results that show, with very weak assumptions, that inflation starts somewhere and some (partial) results about a de Sitter ho-hair theorem.

Seminar / Monday, 17.02.2020 11:00

Aleš Hrabec (ETH Zurich & Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)

Magnetically coupled nanomagnets have many potential applications. In order to realize functional two-dimensional networks of coupled nanoscale magnetic elements, it is desirable to engineer effective lateral magnetic couplings in a controllable way. I will show that we are able to develop a method to control the lateral coupling between adjacent magnetic nanostructures based on the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). We have patterned regions with in-plane (IP) and out-of-plane (OOP) magnetic anisotropy in a magnetic element using selective oxidation of Pt/Co/Al films, and the magnetization in the OOP and IP parts of the islands are coupled via DMI arising from the Pt underlayer. This results in chirally coupled magnetization. We have exploited this concept for various applications.

Seminar / Thursday, 20.02.2020 16:00

Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Abstract: In this talk three different studies we have undertaken to address cosmological issues, like dark energy, will be presented and their results will be discussed. In these studies we have tried to remain model agnostic as much as possible. In particular, our first study (arxiv:1902.11051) concerns a cosmic fluid obeying rest-mass conservation of unspecified equation of state (EoS) in an unspecified background assuming just that the fluid's speed of sound is positive and less than the speed of light. Our second study (arXiv:2001.00825) performs a dynamical analysis of a barotropic...

Workshop / Tuesday, 24.03.2020 09:00

Workshop se bude konat 24. 3. 2020 v Dolních Břežanech ve Fyzikálním ústavu AV, v.v.i., pracoviště HiLASE, Za Radnicí 828, 252 41 Dolní Břežany. Workshop je určen pro pracovníky s lasery v laboratořích i v průmyslu, pro referent bezpečnosti laserových zařízení (Laser Safety Officer), vedoucí lasrových laboratoří, techniky BOZP. Workshop je zpoplatněn částkou 3500 ,- kč. Absolventi obdrží potvrzení o účasti. Cílem je seznámení účastníků se základními normami a předpisy týkající se práce s lasery Podrobný program najdete v příloze. Své místo si můžete rezervovat na ...