Call for Applications for Associate Director Positions of “Center for Complex Geometry” in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

“Founded in November 2011 by Korean Government, the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) supports basic research within the entire range of natural sciences including physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, earth science, and astronomy by providing highly advanced, supportive, self-direct research environments”

IBS invites applicants for the position of Associate Director who are senior-level researchers with high research potentials, and are able to run his or her own research group in collaboration with the directors within their Research Centers.

1. Introduction of the research center

The IBS Center for Complex Geometry is one of the research centers established by Institute for Basic Science (IBS). The center is directed by HWANG Jun-Muk and located in the main campus of IBS in Daejeon, South Korea. The research at IBS Center for Complex Geometry is centered around the interaction of algebraic geometry, differential geometry and complex analysis of several variables. Through the interchange of ideas from these areas of mathematics, it aims to develop novel methods to attack challenging problems.

2. Job description
The IBS Center for Complex Geometry invites applications for Associate Director position from mathematicians of exceptional research record and leadership in the area of complex algebraic geometry. Associate Director will serve important roles in assisting the founding director to achieve the goal of the research center as well as directing his or her own research group within the center.

3. Requirements for the position
- All candidates must be able to make a long-term commitment to IBS- Center for Complex Geometry’s research activities.
- All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups.

4. Offer
- Internationally competitive salary (negotiable)
- Sizable independent research budget.
- Tenured or permanent position until the retirement age of 65.

5. General Selection Procedure
①Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
②Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
③Symposium and in-depth interview by in-depth evaluation panel
④Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation
⑤Negotiation with director
⑥Appointment by the president

6. Application Submission
- Please fill out the ‘Application Form’ in English and email it as a single PDF file to no later than October 28th, 2020 (6 weeks after announcement).
- E-mail title should include ‘Name of Applicant’ and ‘Name of the Research Center’

[ Contact Information ]
JANG Minkyung, Research Evaluation Team
Division of Research Service
Institute for Basic Science
(34126) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea

Tel. No.: +82-42-878-8228
Fax No.: +82-42-878-8065

* For more information, please visit IBS website (

7. Download link for ‘Application Form’ and ‘FAQ’

Job location: 
Institute for Basic Science (34126) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
South Korea
Contact and application information
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Contact name: 
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
Contact email: 
Research institutes