Lecturer in Disordered Systems

Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Disordered Systems in the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London.  Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics or related areas, and research expertise in some area of Complex and Disordered Systems (understood in a broad sense). For example, but not exclusively, in statistical and quantum mechanics of systems with disorder, soft matter and glassy materials, econophysics, statistical inference and machine learning. A research record in studying non-equilibrium phenomena would be an advantage, but strong candidates in other relevant areas will be given a serious consideration.

This is a permanent, full time post, with a start date of 1 January 2021.


Job location: 
King's College London
Mathematics Department
United Kingdom
Contact and application information
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Contact name: 
Professor Yan Fyodorov
Contact email: 