Postdoc Position in Harmonic Analysis and Function Spaces

Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) opens a Postdoctoral Position within the Primus Research Programme “Harmonic analysis, function spaces and their interactions” led by Lenka Slavíková.

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in harmonic analysis and/or theory of function spaces. He/she is expected to join the research team and work collaboratively on problems within the framework of the abovementioned project; possible research topics include (but are not limited to) linear and multilinear singular integrals, Sobolev-type spaces, Banach function spaces.

The expected starting date is January 2021, or as soon as possible afterwards (the actual starting date is negotiable). The duration of the position is up to 3 years but cannot go beyond December 31, 2023. The successful candidate will receive a salary of 50 000 CZK (around 1900 EUR) per month. Additional funding will be available to support research travel.

In case of interest please send your application by email to The application should be a single PDF file and include a CV and a research statement. Two letters of recommendation should be sent separately to the e-mail address given above. The application deadline is November 16, 2020.

Informal inquiries about the position are welcome and are to be sent to the above-mentioned email address.

Job location: 
Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Czech Republic
Contact and application information
Monday, November 16, 2020
Contact name: 
Lenka Slavikova
Postdoctoral fellowships