Image life, discover the future

Euro-BioImaging is a research infrastructure that offers open access to imaging technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging. Euro-BioImaging consists of imaging facilities, called Nodes, that have opened their doors to all life science researchers.

Gateway to European biological and biomedical imaging

Euro-BioImaging’s mission is to provide you with imaging services that bridge biological and biomedical imaging and facilitate innovative and world-class research. Whatever the scale of your imaging, Euro-BioImaging will give you the tools and support to explore and answer your research questions.

Access to imaging technologies: We offer access to a range of imaging technologies to allow you image across the scales at one of our 21 Nodes, located in 9 different countries across Europe.

Expert training and support: Each Node is staffed with personnel who can provide the support required to maximise the output of your research project. Guidance is available for all aspects of the imaging pipeline, from study design to image capture. In addition, we provide access to training courses for all different levels of expertise.

Image data management: We help you store and disseminate your data and extract meaningful conclusions from your imaging.

Current activities


For the new Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub at EMBL in Heidelberg, we are looking for a Scientific Project Manager to support us in managing relevant aspects of the Euro-BioImaging operation. S/He will be integrated into the international Bio-Hub team, working closely together with colleagues in the fields of imaging technologies, project management, communication & outreach, image data analysis and science policy. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Coordination of user access to state-of-...


Global BioImaging recently received a distinguished award by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI,, which allows us to set-up an exciting as well as extensive training programme for core facility staff and managers. This program aims at building professional capacity internationally in this field by offering tailored training courses in e.g. imaging facility management and operation; image data management; latest imaging technologies; and more topics as requested by t...


The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has announced over $1.3 million (€1.2 m) in funding to support Global BioImaging; an international network of bioimaging facilities and communities coordinated by EMBL, with Euro-BioImaging as one major partner. The three-year grant will support Global BioImaging’s work to promote community building and training worldwide, and in this way also facilitate scientists to access the latest imaging technologies....


Euro-BioImaging is a publicly funded, non-profit research infrastructure. Hence, the costs for scientists to access Euro-BioImaging services are kept to their minimum, with the sole aim to allow running the infrastructure. The costs vary – for instance, while access to data services is normally free of charge, access to technologies generally involves a fee. For more information please click here....


In March 2020, Euro-BioImaging will launch its next Call for Nodes. Cutting-edge imaging facilities hosted by Euro-BioImaging member states and prospective member states will be invited to submit their Expression of Interest to become part of this new European research infrastructure for imaging technologies in the life sciences, to openly offer their services to all European scientists and beyond. If you are interested in this call, you can find the procedure, criteria and the application ...


Following the successful first board meeting of Euro-BioImaging on 12-13 December in Helsinki, Euro-BioImaging is now operational and the login feature of the Euro-BioImaging Web Portal has been activated. Users can now login to the portal and submit proposals to access Euro-BioImaging imaging technologies. previously used Interim Web Access Portal can no longer be used to submit new proposals, but it remains online for processing previously subm...

2018-10-30 to 2018-11-04

The Global BioImaging network and Japan's ABiS (Advanced BioImaging Support) are proud to annouce the co-organization of an international training course for BioImage Analysis!The course will take place in Okinawa, Japan, on 31 Oct-04 Nov 2018 and registrations are open now. More information can be found following this link or visiting our dedicated GBI webpage....

2019-05-01 to 2019-05-02

Job shadowing is a "on-the-job" learning opportunity, thanks to which technical and managerial staff working in an imaging core facility has the opportunity to visit peers across the globe and learn from them. Essentially, imaging facility shadowing involves working with another experienced member of staff in a different facility who might have longer experience, provide open user access, operate a different set of imaging technologies, and so on.Visit the Global BioImaging Job Shadowing Webpage...

2018-09-13 to 2018-09-21

We are proud to announce that three key Global BioImaging events will take place in Sydney, Asutralia, from the 14th to the 21st of September 2018! All three events are co-hosted by our Australian partners AMMRF and NIF.    We will start on September 14th with the third "Exchange of Experience" (EoE) workshop, bringing together imaging infrastructure managers, directors, technical staff as well as scientists, opinion leaders, decision makers and ...

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