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Semináře a workshopy oddělení 29

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 02.04.2020 16:00

Abstrakt: The cosmic microwave background (CMB) research told us a remarkable story: the structure we see in our Universe such as galaxies, stars, planets, and eventually ourselves originated from tiny quantum fluctuations generated in the early Universe. With the WMAP we have confirmed many of the key predictions of inflation including flatness and statistical homogeneity of our Universe, Gaussianity and adiabaticity of primordial density fluctuations, and a small but non-zero deviation from the scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations. Yet, the extraordinary claim requires...

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Seminář / Čtvrtek, 12.03.2020 16:00

Abstrakt: Scalar-tensor theories in metric-affine geometry are formulated. General Relativity is currently the most successful gravitational theory which has surpassed countless observations. However, in recent years, it has been noticed that GR cannot explain some cosmological phenomena such as inflation, dark energy and dark matter. To solve this, countless alternative gravitational theories beyond General Relativity has been proposed. However, most require the geometry to be Riemannian, just as in GR. In this talk, it will be shown how one could extend theories of gravity by 'deforming'...

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