Constraint Solving Top Verification of Complex Systems

Verification of Complex Systems

The Pendolino train from Prague to Ostrava had severe problems in its initial phase: from time to time it stopped in the middle of nowhere due to a software bug. Similar bugs have been the cause of more severe incidents, for example the crash of the Ariane 5 rocket in 1996. We are doing research that will help to avoid such problems in the future, and offer a large range of thesis topics in the area for students with a background in computer science, control, or mathematics.

According to the interest and background of the student the thesis can be done in an application-oriented context (e.g., concrete application studies), in a more theoretical/mathematical direction, or in the direction of software-development. The research is done in an international environment, for example, collaborating with a large project in Germany.

I will be happy to provide more information. Just contact me!

Below are examples of possible thesis topics. Many more topics can be agreed upon in individual consultation.

Constraint           Solving Top Verification of Complex Systems