
Job offers

Scientist for CRL DRD research group of the RAMSES project

Scientist for CRL DRD research group of the RAMSES project


The main objective of RAMSES project is extension of institutional infrastructure and establishment of the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) laboratory.


Job description:

  • application of 14C analysis and development of related analytical methods
  • preparation of scientific papers and presentations at international conferences
  • preparation of grant applications



  • minimum seven years practice of research in Natural Sciences (physics, chemistry) or related fields (analysis of substances in environment, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry)
  • corresponding publication activity
  • very good knowledge of English
  • reliability, diligence


We offer

  • one-year contract with possible prolongation
  • stability of public research institution
  • five weeks of vacation + one week of addition vacation
  • lunch vouchers
  • support of leisure activities
  • possibility to apply for corporate housing (by Czech Academy of Sciences)


The gross salary offer is 56 000 CZK per month.

The job start is negotiable during 2020.

Please, send CV and the contact to



Postdoctoral researcher for CRL DRD research group of the RAMSES project

Postdoctoral researcher for CRL DRD research group of the RAMSES project


The main objective of RAMSES project is extension of institutional infrastructure and establishment of the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) laboratory.


Job description:

  • analysis with chromatographic methods, analysis of stable isotopes
  • 14C analysis in selected sample types
  • preparation of scientific papers and presentations at international conferences
  • preparation of grant applications



  • doctoral degree in Natural Sciences (physics, chemistry) or related fields (postdoctoral fellowship is available only until five years after having received doctoral degree)
  • experience with chromatography and/or stable isotope analysis
  • very good knowledge of English


We offer

  • one-year contract with possible prolongation
  • stability of public research institution
  • five weeks of vacation + one week of addition vacation
  • lunch vouchers
  • support of leisure activities
  • possibility to apply for corporate housing (by Czech Academy of Sciences)

The gross salary offer is 45 000 CZK per month.

The job start is negotiable during 2020.

Please, send CV and the contact to

Technician in radiocarbon laboratory for the RAMSES project

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS asking for:

Technician in radiocarbon laboratory for the RAMSES project



  • completed secondary education in the field of chemistry
  • minimum 5 years work experience in an analytical laboratory
  • active knowledge of English language
  • work with PC (MS Office at minimum)
  • experience with analyses of radionuclides is an advantage

Description of work

  • Sample processing for 14C analysis


  • possibility to apply for renting of the Academy flat
  • 36 working hours per week ( FTE – 100%)
  • additional 10 days of holidays
  • 85 CZK luncheon vouchers per working day

Salary: 32 000 CZK ( gross ) per month

Place of employment: Prague – Bulovka, Czech Republic

Contact person: Ing. Eva Rudolfová, 

Postdoctoral researcher within the INSPIRE project

The INSPIRE project is EU project within program H2020-EU. - Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of European interest.

The main objectives of INSPIRE project ( are:

  • developing a new infrastructure, bringing research activities in clinical proton therapy centers, associated academic establishments and industry across Europe together;
  • enabling researchers from across Europe, both in the public and private sectors, to access this infrastructure and conduct research;
  • providing training for the next generation of researchers in this field where there is an internationally recognized skill shortage.

 Job description:

The main work of the candidate consists in radiobiology experiments focused to biological efficiency of proton beams. The particular tasks comprise:

  • Participation in experimental radiobiology campaigns (design of the experiments, performing cell irradiations and treatment, data analysis)
  • Providing support for external researchers in order to prepare and perform their experiments within Transnational Access of INSPIRE project
  • Help with routine functioning of radiobiology laboratory
  • Preparation of scientific papers and presentations at international conferences
  • Preparation of grant applications
  • Supervision of undergraduate and graduate students work
  • Close cooperation with project partners and other research institutes


  • Doctoral degree in Natural Sciences (biology, radiation biophysics or radiobiology) or related fields
  • Autonomous familiarization in new technologies and scientific domains
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Very good knowledge of English language (written and oral)
  • Ability to present results at scientific and technical meetings

We offer:

  • Opportunity to participate in the international scientific project
  • Opportunity to perform original experimental studies
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • 5 weeks of vacation, lunch vouchers, support of leisure activities

Please send your CV and motivation letter to Ing. Marie Davídková, CSc. ( The workplace is located in the Department of Radiation Dosimetry, Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Prague 8, Czech Republic. The expected date of contract beginning is January 1st, 2020. The duration of the job position is one year with a possibility of prolongation.

Researcher – postdoc at Research Centre of Cosmic Rays and Radiation Events in the Atmosphere (CRREAT)

Job title: 

Researcher – postdoc at Research Centre of Cosmic Rays and Radiation Events in the Atmosphere (CRREAT)

The CRREAT team performs measurements of the atmospheric radiation and ionization events on satellites, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, monitoring cars, and ground stations. The CRREAT project ( shall contribute to the improvement of space weather models, air transport safety, and global navigation systems reliability.

Objectives of the project CRREAT are to deepen the knowledge about the relation between atmospheric phenomena and ionizing radiation, and to clarify phenomena causing variations of the secondary cosmic particles (SCP) in the atmosphere. 

Job description:

The main work of the candidate consists of the evaluation of the data received from our measurement devices used in the atmospheric studies and to build up a database that allows us to easily investigate relationships between the different data sets and allow easy access of other scientists and the public. The tasks comprise:

  • Analysis of the basic requirements for the treatment of large and complex data sets
  • Development of software for data management and its technical application
  • Participation in measurement campaigns
  • Contribution towards optimization of existing radiation measurement systems and design of novel systems
  • Preparation of scientific papers and presentations at international conferences
  • Preparation of grant applications
  • Supervision work of undergraduate and graduate students
  • Close cooperation with research institutes from France, Germany, Slovakia, Armenia, Russia, USA, and Japan


  • Doctoral degree in Physics or Applied Mathematics or related fields
  • Experience in data analysis
  • Autonomous familiarization in new technologies and scientific domains
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Very good knowledge of English language (written and oral)
  • Ability to present results at scientific and technical meetings

We offer:

  • The opportunity to participate in the international scientific project
  • Competitive and motivating salary
  • Career growth
  • 5 weeks of vacation, lunch vouchers, support of leisure activities

Please send your CV, recommendation, and motivation letter to Dr. Günther Reitz (, copy to Ondrej Ploc (, and Josef Šalamon ( The workplace is located in Prague 8, Czech Republic, at the Department of Radiation Dosimetry of Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS v. v. i. The expected date of commencement is January 1st, 2020, but it can be also before this date. The duration of the job position is almost three years (until the end of October 2022).

Postdoctoral researcher in low energy theoretical nuclear physics

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Rez, opens a postdoctoral research position in the field of theoretical nuclear physics.

Job title: Postdoctoral researcher

Deadline for application: 15th September, 2019

Expected beginning of the contract: 1st October 2019

Job Description:
The position is in low energy theoretical nuclear physics.
Our team is active in the theoretical studies of the quantum many-body problem in nuclear physics. We are interested in the development of the microscopic many-body methods suitable for the description of correlation effects on nuclear spectra with the special emphasis on collective excitations. The successful candidate will take part in the theoretical development and numerical implementation of novel methods for collective nuclear dynamic studies.

The position is for one year with possible extension.

Applicant should accomplish the PhD in the field of nuclear physics or related fields before the start of the postdoc contract.

Complete application including:
- curriculum vitae,
- list of publications,
- brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments,
- two letters of recommendation,

should be sent by email to Petr Vesely,

Petr Vesely
Nuclear Physics Institute,
Czech Academy of Sciences,
Husinec - Rez 130, 250 68 Rez, Czech Republic

Postdoctoral position - experimental nuclear and particle physics

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Rez, opens a postdoctoral research position in the field of experimental nuclear and particle physics

Job title:

Postdoctoral researcher

Deadline:       20th May, 2019
Possible beginning of the contract: 1st June 2019

Job Description:

The position is in experimental fields of low energy nuclear physics and neutrino physics.

Our team belongs among the founders of the Karlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN, aiming to improve substantially knowledge of the neutrino rest mass. In the frame of the project we have developed two types of monoenergetic electron sources based on the decay chain 83Rb/83mKr/83Kr. The mother isotope 83Rb is prepared at the NPI cyclotron. The first type of the sources, produced by an implantation in collaboration with mass-separator laboratory in Bonn, is used for the monitoring of the KATRIN high voltage stability. The second source, prepared by deposition of the 83Rb into the zeolite substrate, is applied at the KATRIN calibration and systematic measurements.

 Applicant should have experience in nuclear physics, nuclear electronics, detectors and DAQ.  Knowledge of programming languages (C++) and experience with ROOT libraries is welcomed.

The position involves

  • Experimental work connected with preparation of radioactive sources and their characterizations at the NPI Rez
  • active participation in the test, monitor and neutrino-mass measurements at the Karlsruhe institute up to several months a year
  • analysis of the measured data and their interpretation


  • a competitive salary in Czech conditions (45 000 CZK)
  • NPI ASCR is located in Rez, 30 minutes from Prague by public transport
  • contract is for the period of two years with a possible prolongation

Contact (for the details):

Drahoš Vénos
Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS
250 68 Rez
Phone: +420 212241677, +420 721 599 130

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Research in the field of theoretical studies of hadron

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Rez, opens a postdoctoral research position in the field of theoretical studies of hadron properties and interactions.


Job title:


Postdoctoral researcher


Group: Hadron Physics at Department of Theoretical Physics


Job Description: Electromagnetic production of mesons will be studied in the resonance region and at higher energies using various approaches. The candidate is expected to have experience in the study of hadron reactions, employing theoretical approaches based on effective lagrangians, Regge formalism, and gauge invariant techniques. Good mathematical and programming skills are also required. Previous experience in data analysis will be highly valued.


The position starts in April 2019 and is for 2 years with possible extension to a 3rd year upon mutual agreement.


The gross salary offer is 30 000 Kc per month.


Full applications including


- curriculum vitae,


- list of publications,


- brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments,


- two letters of recommendation,


should be sent by email to Petr Bydzovsky,


Application deadline is 15th March, 2019.




Petr Bydzovsky          


Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS          


25068 Rez          


phone: +420 266 173 255          




Referent/ka veřejných zakázek

Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v. v. i. vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici

Referentka veřejných zakázek


  • SŠ/VŠ vzdělání nejlépe ekonomického nebo technického směru (není podmínkou)
  • orientace v zákoně č. 134/2016 Sb., o zadávání veřejných zakázek a věcná znalost problematiky vítána
  • základní znalost práce na PC - Excel, Word
  • základní znalost angličtiny
  • časová flexibilita, organizační a komunikační schopnosti
  • pečlivost, zodpovědnost, samostatnost
  • trestní bezúhonnost

Pracovní náplň

  •        administrace a realizace veřejných zakázek
  •        interní metodická podpora



  • práci na hlavní pracovní poměr
  • stabilitu veřejné výzkumné instituce
  • možnost absolvování odborných a jazykových kurzů
  • pět týdnů dovolené
  • příspěvek na stravování formou stravenek
  • možnost každoročního čerpání příspěvku z FKSP pro volnočasové aktivity a dovolené
  • příjemný kolektiv
  • možnost zažádat o služební byt Akademie věd ČR


Místo výkonu práce

Řež u Prahy

Zasílání přihlášek

Pokud Vás tato pozice zaujala, zašlete nám Váš strukturovaný životopis na e-mailovou adresu

Zasláním přihlášky do výběrového řízení na výše uvedenou pozici do Ústavu jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v. v. i., dáváte souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů dle nařízení Evropského parlamentu a rady (EU) 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů.

Tyto údaje budou sloužit pro výběr kandidátů při obsazování dané pozice a po ukončení výběrového řízení budou skartovány.


Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v. v. i. hledá uchazeče na místo:


Pracovní náplň:

  • administrace projektů strukturálních fondů OP VVV
  • administrativní řízení běžících projektů financovaných z veřejných zdrojů
  • komunikace s poskytovateli veřejné podpory
  • příprava zpráv o realizaci projektu
  • koordinace veřejných zakázek na projektech
  • organizace jednání, seminářů, prezentací


  • zkušenost s administrací národních/mezinárodních/SF projektů z oblasti výzkumu a vývoje
  • znalost anglického jazyka
  • velmi dobrá znalost MS Office (zejména MS Word a MS Excel)
  • znalost pravidel OP VVV (popř. OP VK nebo/a OP VaVpI) - výhodou
  • komunikační a koordinační dovednosti, schopnost týmové spolupráce, pečlivost, spolehlivost


  • stabilita veřejné výzkumné instituce
  • 40-ti hodinový pracovní týden (při 100 % úvazku)
  • velmi zajímavou a různorodou práci
  • odborné vzdělávání
  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • stravenky v hodnotě 75,- Kč
  • jazykové kurzy
  • možnost čerpání příspěvku z FKSP pro volnočasové aktivity a dovolené
  • možnost zažádat o služební byt Akademie věd ČR

Nástup možný ihned. Řež/Praha

Místo výkonu práce: Řež/Praha

Kontaktní osoba: Hedvika Petržílová,

V případě zájmu o výše uvedenou pozici zašlete svůj strukturovaný životopis na emailovou adresu a do předmětu zprávy uveďte název pozice, o kterou se ucházíte.


Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v. v. i. hledá uchazeče na místo:


Pracovní náplň:

  • podpora při řízení projektů strukturálních fondů OP VVV
  • finanční řízení běžících projektů financovaných z veřejných zdrojů
  • komunikace s poskytovateli veřejné podpory
  • příprava žádostí o zálohovou platbu
  • sledování čerpání rozpočtů projektů
  • sestavování monitorovacích zpráv projektů strukturálních fondů z finančního hlediska, vypořádávání připomínek poskytovatele


  • zkušenosti s financováním národních/mezinárodních/SF projektů z oblasti výzkumu a vývoje
  • velmi dobrá znalost MS Office (zejména MS Word a MS Excel)
  • znalost finanční pravidel OP VVV (popř. OP VK nebo/a OP VaVpI) - výhodou
  • znalost anglického jazyka
  • komunikační a koordinační dovednosti, schopnost týmové spolupráce, pečlivost, spolehlivost


  • stabilita veřejné výzkumné instituce
  • 40-ti hodinový pracovní týden (při 100 % úvazku)
  • velmi zajímavou a různorodou práci
  • odborné vzdělávání
  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • stravenky v hodnotě 75,- Kč
  • jazykové kurzy
  • možnost čerpání příspěvku z FKSP pro volnočasové aktivity a dovolené
  • možnost zažádat o služební byt Akademie věd ČR

Nástup možný ihned. Řež/Praha

Místo výkonu práce: Řež/Praha

Kontaktní osoba: Hedvika Petržílová,

V případě zájmu o výše uvedenou pozici zašlete svůj strukturovaný životopis na emailovou adresu a do předmětu zprávy uveďte název pozice, o kterou se ucházíte.

Researcher position in the Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS opens a position in the field of radiation biophysics and microdosimetry.



Department of Radiation Dosimetry

Job Description:

The position is in the field of radiation biophysics and microdosimetry. The candidate will perform theoretical modeling of radiation damage to cell compartments, cells and tissues including relevant physical, chemical and biochemical processes of radiation action. The candidate will use and further develop existing simulation tools such as RADAMOL and PARTRACK codes. Calculated results will complement and simulate experimental studies performed in the department or published in order to describe and understand detrimental biological effects of ionizing radiation. The calculations shall be used to solve actual research topics such as biological effects of low doses of ionizing radiation, radiation effectiveness of therapeutic ion beams or effects of mixed radiation fields. The candidate is expected to supervise bachelor, master and Ph.D. students, prepare and submit his own research projects and participate on existing research in the department.


  • Applicant is expected to have (or will have in a short time), a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in a relevant scientific field such as physics, applied mathematics, or related fields
  • Experiences/interest in radiation biophysics, radiobiology and radiation protection
  • Experience with using MC codes of radiation transport such as MCNP, PHITS and Geant4
  • Skills for individual solving problems
  • Team working skills
  • Very good knowledge of English (written and oral)

The initial appointment starts in September 2018 and is for 3 years. The gross salary offer is 32000 CZK per month.

Full applications including

  • curriculum vitae
  • list of publications
  • brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments
  • two letters of recommendation

should be sent by email to Marie Davídková (

The application deadline is 30th June 2018.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Research at Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS

Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS, Řež, opens a postdoctoral research position in the field of material studies using neutron and ion beams.

Postdoctoral researcher

Job description

Postdoctoral position for 2 years available for highly motivated candidates with a background in materials science / nuclear physics to join the Group of Materials Research at the Neutron Physics Department of the Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI) Rez. The Group designs and synthesizes progressive functional materials, modifies and analyzes them by neutron and ion beams.
Applicants should hold recent PhD degree (in materials research, solid state physics or in applied nuclear physics) and have strong analytical skills. Significant experience in thin film deposition techniques (MBE, PVD, sputtering etc.) and relevant analytical methods (IBA, AFM, SEM etc.) is required.  We are looking for a creative, self-motivated experimentalist who has the ability to work independently as well as a part of a team.

Full applications including

  • curriculum vitae
  • duplicate copy of Ph.D. certificate
  • a brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments
  • selected reprints of publications
  • two to three references and
  • expected availability date

should be submitted to: Dr. Jiří Vacík (

The application deadline is 15th March 2018.

The initial appointment starts in April 2018 and is for 2 years with possible renewal to a 3rd year upon mutual agreement. The gross salary offer is 30000 CZK per month + 3000 CZK for housing for foreigner applicants.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Nuclear Physics Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež, opens a post-doctoral research position in the field of radiocarbon dating.

Postdoctoral Researcher


Department of Radiation Dosimetry

Job Description

The position is in the field of application of chromatography methods in radiocarbon dating and sample processing for purpose of 14C analyses. The candidate should have experience in extraction techniques, processing of archaeological artefacts, analytical skills in gas and liquid chromatography, including gas preparative chromatography.

Full applications including

  • curriculum vitae
  • list of publications
  • brief summary of past, current and future research interests and accomplishments
  • two letters of recommendation

should be sent by email to Ivo Světlík (

The application deadline is 15th March 2018.

The initial appointment starts in April 2018 and is for 2 years with possible extension to a 3rd year upon mutual agreement. The gross salary offer is 30000 CZK per month + 3000 CZK for housing for foreigner applicants.

Postdoctoral position - experimental nuclear physics

Postdoctoral position - experimental nuclear physics


Nuclear astrophysics.

Deadline: 15th March, 2018
Possible beginning of the contract: 1st April 2018

Job Description:

The position is in experimental fields of low energy nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics.

The main task is the analysis and conducting the experiment(s) with ANC method to contribute to the knowledge of the direct (p,gamma) process in s,d-nuclei.
The local experimental equipment is based on accelerators in Rez (mainly U120M cyclotron), Prague (Van de Graaff 2MV) and collaborations with GANIL/SPIRAL2 and INFN-LNS.

Applicants should have experience in nuclear physics and nuclear reactions, nuclear electronics, detectors and DAQ.  Programming languages (C++, python) knowledge and experience with ROOT libraries is very welcome. Experience with nuclear reaction codes is valuable for the data analysis/interpretation.

The position involves

  • experimental work on in-beam measurements
  • data analysis and interpretation of the data


  • a competitive salary in Czech conditions (30 000 CZK)
  • possibility of a partial compensation of living expenses
  • NPI ASCR is located in Rez, 30 minutes from Prague by public transport
  • contract is for the period of two years with a possible prolongation

Contact (for the details):

Jaromir Mrazek
Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS
250 68 Rez
Phone: +420 266 173 506
Employer's Web Site:

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Physics

The Mathematical Physics Group in the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Nuclear Physics Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences in Řež invites applications for a

postdoctoral research position

in Mathematical Physics within the scope of the project Mathematical aspects of new challenges in physics, with a special emphasis put on phenomena encountered in the newly developing fields of quantum mechanics with non-Hermitian operators, metamaterials and spectral-geometric properties of nanostructures.

The position is for one year, starting before the end of 2018, with the extension option for a second year upon mutual agreement. The gross salary is approximately 30 000 CZK per month plus for foreign citizens some extras for housing. There are no teaching duties associated with the position.


Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics or Theoretical Physics (or equivalent) obtained preferably after January 1, 2014.

They must show very strong research promise in at least one of the following research domains:

  • geometric analysis;
  • spectral theory;
  • partial diferential equations;
  • semiclassical analysis.

Previous experience in the area of the project is an advantage but not necessary.

The applications including:

  1. curriculum vitae (including list of publications)
  2. brief research statement (past, current and future interests)
  3. two letters of recommendation

should be sent by e-mail to Pavel Exner ( and David Krejčiřík (

All the documents should be submitted as pdf files.
The letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the persons providing the reference.

Complete application packages should be received by May 31, 2018.

For any further information about the fellowship please contact Pavel Exner and David Krejčiřík on the e-mail addresses above.