PhD Programme

FAQ – frequently asked questions


What is the relationship between the interview at IMG and a graduate board?
The graduate boards are official panels of researchers that supervise PhD programs at universities and recommend applicants for PhD programs. Students applying to the PhD study are obliged to name their future PhD supervisor. Interviews at IMG are an efficient way to find him/her.


How should I prepare for the interview?
For the interview with the PhD committee, prepare a max. 5-minute PowerPoint presentation (5–6 slides) about your Master (diploma) thesis. Bring the presentation on a USB stick and send it to yourself by mail just for sure. Applicants should present to the PhD committee the aim of their diploma thesis and major results. Do not try to incorporate every single result. Remember that the goal of your presentation is to clearly describe the topic of your research to someone who is not closely familiar with it. It is advisable to use one slide to describe the major result or method used. Presentations are in English and are followed by a 5–10-minute discussion. Interviews with potential supervisors will be on individual basis. Applicants will be informed in advance on whether supervisors have any special requirements for the interview.


If I do not manage to complete the application by the deadline, can I still participate in the interview?
In this case, you should contact the PhD coordinator immediately and try to find a solution. You can also contact your chosen supervisor directly and manage an individual interview with him/her.


If I do not participate in the interviews, can I still be accepted to the PhD programme at IMG?
Yes, you can. The goal of the interviews is to bring the supervisors and students together on one day to find a match. Students can arrange their interviews with supervisors independently of the official interview day, but it should be noted that the vast majority of free positions are filled during the interview day.


Are all open positions really vacant, or are some of them occupied by Master students continuing in the same lab for PhD?
All open positions are really available. If some Master student is staying in the same lab for PhD, his/her position will not be presented online as open.


If I am not a Czech student, are there any special documents that I will need for application at the university?
If you are not a Czech student, please follow these instructions or contact the PhD Coordinator, if you need some advice.


After admission to the graduate programme, the student usually receives a fellowship of ~6300 CZK/month in the 1st year and 7600 – 13000 in the next years from the University. In addition, the student becomes an IMG employee and receives a salary (including payments towards social and healthcare insurance) and benefits, e.g., sponsored lunches, day-care for children of 2–6 years, access to sports activities both on the campus (squash, fitness centre) and outside (e.g., swimming).


Health insurance
Health insurance is obligatory for all students in the Czech Republic and is automatically deduced from the salary. The health insurance basically covers all the healthcare expenses (details depend on the insurance company). A dedicated person at IMG provides advice and assistance to all foreigner students to obtain the appropriate coverage.


Students in the PhD programme can be accommodated at student dormitories, but most students rent an apartment. The cost of a dormitory depends on the provided service and location. You could find more information about the dormitories or search for a flat/apartment. There is also IMG accommodation available on the campus. For more information, you can contact Jana Boučková.


If you need any other information, please contact Petr Svoboda, Chairman of the Committee for Students’ Matters, or Martin Jakubec, PhD Coordinator.

Last change: January 13, 2020