PhD Programme

Social life at the IMG


Social life at the IMGGraduate students at the IMG organize (ir)regular parties. In addition, once a year they organize a student conference where they present their work and usually invite 1-2 recognized scientists as keynote speakers. Additional information on PhD conferences is available on special webpage (PhD conference).

In October, the first year students are invited to “a welcome weekend”, where they meet their peers, get an overview about the Institute, PhD studies and what they should do to successfully finish in time. In addition, there are lectures and practical training on paper and grant reviewing and writing.

PhD Welcome Weekend 2019

PhD Welcome Weekend 2015

PhD Welcome Weekend 2012

PhD Welcome Weekend 2011

Life in Prague

Many culture and sport events occur every day in Prague.

There is a volleyball field near the IMG within the campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Krc that is heavily used during spring and summer. In the neighborhood of IMG there is also a fitness and squash court available.

Useful information about transport, culture or accommodation in Prague can also be found on this page.

Last change: February 24, 2020