User reports

Summary report and User questionnaire

These forms have to be completed promptly after completion of the experiment (approximatelly within one month). Once completed, please e-mail the reports to NPL (


The users funded by EU within the NMI3 access programme are required to provide some personal data, which will be recorded and used for funding, administration connected with your research proposal, and statistical analysis of the membership within the neutron scattering community.

Only group leaders and users who have made direct use (physically or remotely) of the infrastructure in the reporting period should be listed; do not include other group members. Please list all crew members of your collaboration who have been at NPL in order to perform the experiment, independent of whether they got access funding or not.

The experimental report form for EU-supported experiments. It must be completed promptly after finishing the experiment. As the 'project acronym', use your NPL proposal number with a prefix NPL_ (i.e. NPL_nnnn, where nnnn is the 4-digit number of your proposal, for example NPL_2003).

Confirmation of measurement time actually provided by NPL has to be signed and returned back to the NPL manager upon completion of the experiment.

EU satisfaction report

After the experiment, you are required to complete a satisfaction report. Please use NMI3 (226507) as "Number of the EC Grant Agreement", and NPL_nnnn as "User Project Acronym" (where nnnn is the four-digit number of your experiment) in the satisfaction report form.

BeamTime receipt to be filled after the NMI3- supported experiment is completed
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