Projects supported by the Czech Science Foundation

  • 107/11/1856

    Grant No. GAČR, 107/11/1856 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Název Nanokompozity kov-fulleren a jejich biologické aplikace. Title Metal-fullerene nanocomposites and their biological applications.
    The main topic of the grant project is the study of thin films of hybrid composites based on carbon allotropes (especially C60) and transition (and noble) metals, their preparation, modification and characterization, and also the study of their biological properties (i.e., biotolerance, adhesion of bone-type cells, their growth, differentiation, etc.). The purpose is to develop novel hybrid materials with well-defined structures and interesting properties attractive for applications (e.g., for tissue engineering). For fabrication of the composites, suitable deposition techniques will be used; for characterization of the films an arsenal of analytical methods will be at our disposal. The preliminary experiments demonstrated an interesting aspect of the project – the possibility of preparing composite materials with regular structures at a (sub-) micron scale level either created due to spontaneous self-organization (induced by a certain deposition kinetics), or because of coordinated phase separation initiated by thermal annealing or irradiation with energy ion beams. The specific goal of this project is to shed more light on the onset, mechanisms and kinetics of the above-mentioned phenomena.
  • GA 15-01602S

    Grant No. GA 15-01602S Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer doc. RNDr. Anna Macková Ph.D., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer RNDr. Jan Lorinčík CSc., UFE AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Ing. Pavla Nekvindová Ph.D., VŠCHT Praha
    Název Příprava a charakterizace optických nanostruktur energetickými iontovými svazky Title Creation and characterization of optical nanostructures by energetic ion beams

    Nanostructures for optics and photonics will be deposited in crystals and amorphous materials using ion implantation, which offers a many possibilities of the functional devices preparation. We will focus on a more detailed study of single crystal materials and glasses implanted by metal and light ions. The combination of appropriate substrate and implanted ion enables us to prepare materials with the desired properties (optical, electrical). Our intention is to define relation between the nano-particles morphology and the optical properties (band gap, photoluminescence), structural changes and dopant positioning in the host matrix. Energetic ions modifying solid materials will be used for the fundamental study of stopping powers of ions in solid compounds and simultaneously will be provided validation of semi-empirical models used in simulation. The simulations and knowledge of empirical stopping powers are irreplaceable in nanostructure synthesis using ion implantation. Measurement of ion stopping in compounds will be realized using transmission and backscattering ion beam methods.

  • GA 16-05167S

    Grant No. GA 16-05167S Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer Prof. Zdeněk Sofer, PhD., VŠCHT Co-proposer doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Název Použití iontových svazků pro modifikace struktur založených na grafenu Title Ion beam moficiation of graphene based structures

    Project main topics was graphene synthetization on various substrates, tunig and modification of surface morphology, electrical and structural properties using ion beam lithography, ion beam irradiation, intentional defekt design and optimization for particular functional application. The project was awarded by GACR’s president’s award in 2019 as an appreciation of outstanding results achieved within projects funded by GACR and focused on basic research.

  • GA 18-03346S

    Grant No. GA 18-03346S Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer Doc. Ing. Pavla Nekvindová, Ph.D., VŠCHT Praha Název Vytváření optických center a mikrostrukturování v ZnO a kubickém ZrO2 Title Optical active centers and microstructuring in ZnO and cubic ZrO2

    The project is dealing with the intentional synthetization of optical active centers using energetic ion beams in ZnO and ZrO2. Nowadays ZnO is highly attractive material prospective in the form of thin layers or nanowires for nanosized optical devices with functionalized semiconductor surfaces as a recently established breakthrough concept. Both materials are highly resistant to radiation exposure. The ion beam induced defects, color centers, created defect stability and dynamics is mandatory to be studied for the proposed applications as inert matrix for actinide transmutation or optical applications. Both materials will be intentionally modified by ion beam irradiation in the broad spectrum of masses and energies which will be accompanied by detailed structural, optical studies, simulation of ion and matrix ballistic processes induced by ion beams and DFT simulations. The high attention will be paid to the influence of various crystallographic orientations behaviour under ion beam irradiation and its different physical feedback under the ion beam is expected.

  • GA 19-02482S

    Grant No. GA 19-02482S Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer Doc. Ing. Petr Slepička, Ph.D., VŠCHT Praha Název Syntéza pokročilých mikrostruktur v inovativních polymerech a nanokompozitech. Title Ion beam writing synthesis of novel microstructures in advanced polymers and nanocomposites

    The project is dealing with the intentional synthetization of microstructures in novel polymers for novel electronics, optics and microfluid systems application using focused ion beams with the basic attempt on ion beam modification of various chosen polymers and nanocomposites containing nanoparticles as well as the ion microbeam analysis of the prepared microstructures. The prepared microstructures will be synthetized by ion beam and laser writing in polymers and in nanocomposites; furthermore swift heavy ion irradiation will be used for modification nanoparticle size and morphology in nanoparticle-polymer composites with attempt to prepare the micro-systems with the advanced optical and electric properties. Inorganic (oxides, noble metal) or organic nanoparticles shape and size modification in nano composites will be accomplished energetic focused ion beam treatment. The ion beam induced microstructure morphology, chemical and structural modification of irradiated polymers and nanocomposites, created highly crosslinked structure, stability and dynamics is mandatory to be studied.

  • GA106/09/0125

    Grant No. GA106/09/0125 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer RNDr. Anna Macková, PhD., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer Prof. Ing. Václav Švorčík, DrSc., VŠCHT
    Doc. Ing. Olga Bláhová, Ph.D., ZCU
    Název Příprava a vlastnosti struktur kov/polymer Title Preparation and characterization of metal/polymer structures

    The interactions between metals and polymers will be studied using complementary analytical techniques on different metal-polymer and metal-polymer-metal systems. The research is of interest from the fundamental point of view and for broad practical utilization of metal coated polymers in analytical chemistry, electronics, food packaging etc. The specimens will be prepared by sputtering or vacuum deposition of 10-100 nm thick layers of different metals Au, Ag, Pd and Pt on various polymers PET, PMMA, PE and PTFE. The structure characterization will be provided using profilometer, TEM, AAS spectroscopy, RBS, ERD). The electrical resistance and magnetic properties will be measured. Nanointendenter device will be used for the determination of the layers adhesion. The layer morphology will be studied using AFM and SEM. Ion implantation and ion assisted mixing of metal particles and polymer structure will be used for composite preparation. For mobility and diffusion study of metals in polymer substrate RBS, XPS will be used.

  • GAČR 107/11/0704

    Grant No. GAČR 107/11/0704 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer Ing. Martin Petrenec, Ph.D., ÚFM AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer Ing. Přemysl Beran, Ph.D., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Název Optimalizace struktury a vlastnosti moderních vysokoteplotních litých materiálů legovaných uhlíkem pomocí komplexního tepelného zpracování Title Optimization of structure and properties of advanced high-temperature cast materials alloyed with carbon by complex heat treatment

    The aim of the project is development of new advanced cast multiphase gamma based TiAl-8Nb-X alloys alloyed with the graded carbon content (0.2 to 1 at. %), produced so far only by powder metallurgy. Sufficient thermo-mechanical stability of these alloys will be guaranteed by the lamellar structure strengthened by favorable distributed precipitates obtained using an optimized complex heat treatment. The main pertinent applications of the alloys suggested are turbocharger rotor or gas turbine blade in automotive and power industry, respectively, in which a decisive degradation mechanism represents creep-fatigue interaction at higher temperatures. The structure of new-developed cast alloys and its thermo-mechanical stability will be studied both in virgin state after optimized heat treatment and after high temperature creep-fatigue tests. Neutron diffraction (in-situ and post-mortem studies), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) and other modern experimental techniques will be used for the structure analysis and the study of damage mechanisms.

  • GAČR 107/12/0800

    Grant No. GAČR 107/12/0800 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer RNDr. Petr Šittner, CSc., FZÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. Co-proposer prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokluda, CSc., Fakulta strojního inženýrství VUT Brno
    Ing. Přemysl Beran, Ph.D., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Název Únava aktuátorů z vysokoteplotních slitin s tvarovou pamětí NiTiX /FACT/ Title Fatigue of NiTiX High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Actuators /FACT/

    Currently there is renewal of interest in actuation functionality using high temperature shape memory alloys with transformation temperatures above 100°C (HTSMA) driven by strong demand for reliable and powerful actuators to be used in engines and gas turbines, where it is preferable to adopt single piece compact adaptive actuator over more complex multicomponent assemblies. The aim of this project is to clarify the reasons for poor dimensional and functional stability and fatigue failure of NiTiX actuators. The research will be performed by combination earlier developed and used methods (thermomechanical fatigue testing, in-situ X-ray and neutron di raction, TEM and micromechanics modeling) . The research will be coordinated with worldwide academic and industrial partners currently developing HTSMA actuators. Approaches to modify the microstructure of NiTiX alloys so so they act as well performing HTSMA actuators for 100°C-300°C temperature range will be proposed (adjustment of composition, degree of cold work, heat treatment, texture, grain size, precipitation strengthening).

  • GACR 204/10/0654

    Grant No. GAČR 204/10/0654 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer RNDr. Jan Šaroun, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i. Title Monte Carlo simulations of complex neutron optics systems

    The aim of the submitted proposal is to get financial support for development of Monte Carlo methods for simulations of complex neutron optical systems, including their experimental validation and application to the research of dispersive multiple reflections of neutrons in elastically bent crystals. The new methods will be implemened in existing and well established software package RESTRAX, which has been developed at the NPI Řež. The results of experimental research of multiple Bragg reflections supported by Monte Carlo simulations will be employed in the development of high-resolution monochromators and analyzers. The ultimate goal of the proposed research is twofold: (a) Creation of an easy to use, validated and efficient software for modeling and optimization of neutron spectrometers employing advanced neutron optics elements and for data analysis; (b) Development and tests of dispersive multiple reflection monochromators suitable for ultra-high resolution measurements.

  • GAP108/11/0958

    Grant No. GAP108/11/0958 Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
    Proposer Doc. Mgr. Jakub Čížek, Ph.D., MFF UK Co-proposer RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Ing. Ján Lančok, Ph.D., FU AV ČR, v.v.i.
    Název Výzkum bodových defektů v ZnO a studium jejich interakce s vodíkem a dusíkem Title Investigation of point defects in ZnO and their interaction with hydrogen and nitrogen

    Complex investigations of point defects in ZnO are proposed in the present project. Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) including also variable energy PAS using slow positron beam will be used as a principal technique for defect studies. State-of-art ab-initio theoretical calculations will be employed for interpretation of PAS data. Defects in ZnO single crystals will be compared with those in epitaxial and nanocrystalline ZnO thin films. Defects studies will be combined with electrical (temperature-dependent Hall effect, deep level transient spectroscopy) and optical (photoluminescence, optical transmission) measurements in order to find a link between predominant defect configurations and specific electrical and optical properties of ZnO samples. Moreover, in the present project we intend to investigate interaction of hydrogen and nitrogen with point defects in ZnO and influence hydrogen and nitrogen on electrical and optical properties. A new UHV chamber for on-line sputtering of ZnO films will be constructed and connected to slow positron beam. This novel setup enables to perform variable energy PAS investigations of thin ZnO films in-situ during film deposition. It gives us an exclusive possibility to investigate formation of defects and incorporation of impurities into ZnO lattice during film growth.

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