Photosynthetica, 2016 (vol. 54), issue 3

Photosynthetica 2016, 54(3):405-413 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0182-6

Structural and functional organization of the photosynthetic apparatus in halophytes with different strategies of salt tolerance

O. A. Rozentsvet1, E. S. Bogdanova1, L. A. Ivanova2, L. A. Ivanov2, G. N. Tabalenkova3, I. G. Zakhozhiy3, V. N. Nesterov1,*
1 Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti, Russia
2 Botanical Garden, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
3 Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia

The specific features of the structural and functional organisation of the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) were studied in wild halophytes representing three strategies of salt tolerance: euhalophyte Salicornia perennans, crynohalophyte Limonium gmelinii, and glycohalophyte Artemisia santonica. The sodium content in aboveground parts of the plants corresponded to the strategy of salt tolerance. The photosynthetic cells of the euhalophyte were large and contained a higher number of chloroplasts than those in other species. In contrast, the number of cells per a leaf area unit was lower in S. perennans as compared to cryno- and glycohalophytes. Thereupon, the cell and chloroplast surface area per leaf area unit declined in the following sequence: A. santonica > L. gmelinii > S. perennans. However, the large cells of euhalophyte contained chloroplasts of larger sizes with 4- to 5-fold higher chlorophyll (Chl) content per chloroplast and Chl concentration in chloroplast volume unit. Also, chloroplasts of S. perennans were characterised by the higher content of glyco- and phospholipids. Qualitative composition of fatty acids (FA) in lipids isolated from the chloroplast-enriched fraction was similar in all three species; however, the index of unsaturation of FA was higher in glycohalophyte A. santonica than those in two other species. Under natural condition, PSA of all three halophytes showed high resistance to soil salinity. The results indicated tolerance of PSII to the photodamage in halophytes. The high rate of electron transport through PSII can be important to prevent oxidative damage of PSA in halophytes under strong light and hight temperature in vivo. Thus, the strategy of salt tolerance is provided by both the leaf anatomical structure and the ultrastructure of photosynthetic membranes, which is determined in particular by the specific composition of lipids.

Keywords: chlorophyll fluorescence; mesostructure; photoinhibition; salt stress; water content

Received: July 1, 2015; Accepted: October 23, 2015; Published: September 1, 2016Show citation

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Rozentsvet, O.A., Bogdanova, E.S., Ivanova, L.A., Ivanov, L.A., Tabalenkova, G.N., Zakhozhiy, I.G., & Nesterov, V.N. (2016). Structural and functional organization of the photosynthetic apparatus in halophytes with different strategies of salt tolerance. Photosynthetica54(3), 405-413. doi: 10.1007/s11099-015-0182-6.
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