Monumenta Numismatica series
This editorial series works as an informal supplement to the Numismatic Proceedings (Numismatický sborník). Individual monographic volumes feature significant numismatic depots or discovered collections.
The series is managed by the Center for Medieval Studies; the editors-in-chief are Jiří Militký and Petr Sommer.
Publications are in Czech, or English.

title | author | published |
Depot mincí a zlomkového stříbra z konce 10. stole ... | Pavel Kouřil, Vlastimil Novák, Lukáš Ric ... | 6th December 2016 |
Nálezy řeckých, římských a raně byzantských mincí ... | Jiří Militký | 15th August 2013 |
The Kelč Hoard revised: Fragments of Islamic Silver Coins | Vlastimil Novák | 1st September 2010 |