
digital databases

Besides their other activities, the employees of the IP devote themselves to the production and complementation of specialized digital databases, which cover a broad spectrum of disciplines from classical and medieval studies through a bibliographical database dedicated to significant Czech philosophers (Jan Patočka). The databases are accessible at no charge on the internet. Part of the databases (MEMORI project and Jan Patočka Digital database, see below) have also become components of a new research infrastructure LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ released in 2019, which is planned as a new distributed national node of the pan-European network DARIAH-EU for digital humanities.

MEMORI project

IP CAS will supply the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ with its digital resources and data along with a shared cross-database search interface and archiving services (“MEMORI”, in close cooperation with Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences). These digital assets were gathered via digitization of its own extensive collections as well as of collections of its partners. In total, IP CAS will provide seven databases, focusing primarily on medieval and early modern Bohemical sources. Specifically, the IP CAS will deliver the databases Comenius Online (correspondences of Jan Amos Comenius, Philipp Sachs von Löwenheimb, Amandus Polanus of Polansdorf and others; cooperation with international database Early Modern Letters Online, “EMLO”), Bibliography of Foreign-Language Printed Bohemica 1501–1800 (“BFPB”), Dictionary of Medieval Latin (DML), Collection database of Classical Tradition and Czech Culture (CTCC), UniQ: A Database Mapping the Prague Struggle over Universals in ca. 1348–1500 (in preparation) and The Jan Patočka Digital (“AJP”, est. 1990, formally not a part of MEMORI).

Unification and standardization of these databases in terms of data storage, metadata specification, copyright statutes and access policies are essential. This would facilitate development of a single overarching user interface with all the important research tools available (e.g., additional search options, full-text search, easily accessible and exportable data, plugins for multi-level access for view and edit of source files in repository, unified and linked environment allowing quantification of relevant phenomena, optimization of the web UI for mobile devices, etc.). This should not only make the research more efficient and simpler in general, but allow for conducting new, previously unattainable kinds of research as well.

List of all current databases (in Czech only): http://www.flu.cas.cz/cz/pro-badatele/digitalni-databaze 

Ancient Inspiration in the Fine Arts

Antiquity in Inscription Culture

The Bibliography of Jan Patočka

Bohuslai Balbini Bohemia docta

Czech medieval sources on-line

Černý klíč (Clavis nigra)

Fontes rerum Regni Bohemiae

Hymnorum thesaurus Bohemicus

Production of Antic Drama

Digital Bibliography

The Correspondence of Jan Amos Comenius and other

Early Modern Scholars

The Correspondence of Milada Blekastad

LIMUP: A Database of the Content of the Liturgical Manuscripts of Utraquist Provenance of the 15th–16th Centuries Repertorie of Czech-Language Incunabula

Repertorium operum antihussiticorum

(Repertoire of Anti-Hussite Works)

Dictionary of Czech and Slovak Printers

Dictionary of Medieval Latin in the Czech Lands