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«2018 2020 2021
32 captures
11 Dec 10 - 5 Aug 20
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Projects supproted by the The Czech Ministry of Education

  • COST 527.001

    Grant No. COST 527.001 Provider Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
    Co-proposer RNDr. Anna Mackova, PhD., UJF, v.v.i. Název Analýza plasmaticky připravených polymerních tenkých vrstev jadernými analytickými metodami. Title Analysis of Plasma Polymer Thin Films by the nuclear analytical methods
    The proposed project was focused on the analysis and characterization of thin films prepared by plasma polymerization or plasma deposition. Study of polymer composites synthesis, metal/polymer structures and materials for wear resistant, optical and electronics applications as well as for sensors. The NPI team served in characterization of prepared polymers, composites using ion beam analytical methods for elemental depth profiling, provided irradiation modified polymers and investigated diffusion processes within. The work on the project was accomplished in close collaboration with the Charles University – Department of Macromolecular Physics (production of polymer films and plasma deposited thin films), the J.Evangelista Purkyne University (Atomic Force Microscopy of film surface), Masaryk University in Brno and foreign partners within broad COST frame work. The results obtained by nuclear analytical methods at NPI will be correlated and combined with the results obtained by other alternative techniques (AFM, STM) to obtain more complete characterization of the thin films. The main goal of the proposed investigation is to optimize the deposition technique of plasma deposited and polymeric thin films and to improve their properties.
  • LC06041

    Grant No. LC06041 Provider Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
    Proposer Doc. Ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc., UJF AVČR Název Příprava, modifikace a charakterizace materiálů energetickým zářením Title Preparation, modification and characterization of materials by energetic radiation.

    Preparation and characterization of prospective materials and structures by energetic radiation, upgrading of experimental base of partners, interconnection of universities and academic institutes in research and student education. Basic research topics will be: Modification of polymers by ion beams, plasma and chemical dotation; Electric properties of semiconductors modified by ion beams;Radiation degradation of selected materials;Development and usage of new types of detectors of ionizing radiation; Latent ion tracks in polymers and their usage in construction of sensors; Nano- and micro-structures based on polymers and carbon allotropes and their usage in bio-medicine;Diffusion processes on metal-dielectric boundaries and selforganization in metal-carbon allotropes systems;New materials for opto-electronics based on LiNbO3, LiTaO3, GaN, SiC and polymers; Modification of metal films and nanoparticles by carboran derivatives and controlled chemical reactions on surfaces