

Cutting-edge science for health

Facts and Figures


Total number 413
Recalculated number 334


Education structure of employees

Basic education 0,98%
Secondary vocational education 42,65%
Full secondary general education 3,18%
Full secondary vocational education with apprenticeship and school leaving exam 2,44%
Full secondary vocational education with school leaving exam 12,71%
Higher professional education 0,24%
Bachelor degree 3,18%
University degree 32,52%
Doctor degree 40,10%


Age structure of employees

up to 25 years 12,35%
26-30 years 17,68%
31-40 years 23,73%
41-50 years 20,10%
51-60 years 14,29%
above 61 years 11,86%


Professional category structure of employees

postdoctoral fellow 35
scientific assistant 46
junior scientist 38
senior scientist 33
other scientific staff (university deg.) 58
doctorand 74
other professional staff (university deg.) 6
other professional staff (secondary deg.) 56
technical and economic staff 35
worker 32


Foreigners structure of employees

Slovakia 28
Ukraine 6
Serbia 4
India 4
Spain 3
Italy 3
Poland 1
Russia 1
Bulgaria 1
Chile 1
Ecvador 1
Great Britain 1


Data from 10.6. 2019.



The success of grant projects AZV/IGA GAČR
2013 62,5% 28,6%
2014   23,7%
2015 45,8% 30,6%
2016 40,0% 40,7%
2017 33,3% 44,7%
2018 38,5% 30,4%
2019 25,0% 30,6%


Material funds