The study of electronic properties of chemically doped carbon nanostructures (single wall carbon nanotubes with fullerenes, inner nanotube and organic molecules)
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The project is aimed to explore electroctronic properties of chemically doped pristine SWCNT (Single wall carbon nanotubes) and filled with fullerenes, inner nanotube and organic molecules. The materials will be prepared by vapour phase filling procedureusing Li vapor. The as prepared materials will be characterised by Raman and Vis-NIR spectroscopy. The electronic properties of filled SWCNTs will be further tuned by chemical and/or electrochemical doping. The electrochemical doping will be monitored in-situ by Raman and VIS-NIR spectroscopy.
The project is aimed to explore electroctronic properties of chemically doped pristine SWCNT (Single wall carbon nanotubes) and filled with fullerenes, inner nanotube and organic molecules. The materials will be prepared by vapour phase filling procedureusing Li vapor. The as prepared materials will be characterised by Raman and Vis-NIR spectroscopy. The electronic properties of filled SWCNTs will be further tuned by chemical and/or electrochemical doping. The electrochemical doping will be monitored in-situ by Raman and VIS-NIR spectroscopy.
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin Ph.D.
202, 203,08
3804,3445, 2101