For scientists

Open days in 2018
The Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic welcomed during the Open days almost 500 visitors.
Detail of the optical biosenzor developed at IPE
Jiří Homola, director of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, spoke in an interview for Týden magazine in the second part of the series Czech Science Close: Photonics and Electronics.
Come see inside our laboratories. Do not hesitate and register today, the capacity is limited!
The winner of the competition spent one day in the laboratories of the Optical Biosensors
A secondary-school student who won the competion organized as a part of the Open Days to spend one day with a scientist, visited the Optical Biosensors team.
Professor Harith Ahmad from University of Malaya lectured at the IPE
Professor Harith Ahmad, who works at the Photonics Research Centre of the University of Malaya, had a lecture talk about pulsed fiber lasers at the Institute.
Projects of two research teams, which were awarded in the Grant Projects of Excellence competition in the basic research EXPRO, were launched.
Scientists from IPE at Days of Science at Christian Doppler Grammar School
On 4 December, scientists from the Nano-optics team and Fiber Lasers and Non-Linear Optics attended the Days of Science at Christian Doppler Grammar School.
Nano-optics scientists have won several awards at international conferences this year
During 2019, members of the Nano-optics research team received numerous awards at international conferences.
The Open Days IPE, 14. - 15. 11. 2019
We have launched online registration for the Open Days. Do not hesitate and book your excursion in time, our capacity is limited.
The winners of the contest Photogenic Science 2019, source: Czech Academy of Sciences
Photography "Scientific pastime" by Petra Palečková won 3rd place in the category Scientists and their hobby.


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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DIČ: CZ67985882