From the left: Central clock in the brain - the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN); glial cells in the SCN; lcocomotor activity records of rats; neurons in hippocampus; clock gene expression in the SCN with a phase plot.
In the center of our interest is the endogenous time-keeping system, circadian clock of mammals, including humans. The system temporally regulates rhythmic processes in our body so that they take place at the proper time of day and are optimally synchronized relative to each other.
A failure of the temporal regulation has a negative impact on human health. Using in vivo and in vitro models, we study the molecular mechanisms underlying the circadian clock as well as the resulting physiological and behavioral rhythms.
We focus on the following questions:
- What are the mechanisms for entraining (synchronizing) the circadian system and what are the consequences of its failure?
- How does the circadian system develop and how is it being entrained during ontogeny?
- How is the circadian system of humans entrained in real life conditions, both in health and in disease?
We explore the entrainment of the circadian clock and its disorders on various experimental models in vivo and in vitro.
The mammalian biological clock initiates its ontogenesis already during embryonic development in the maternal uterus. Newborn mammals are equipped with clock running in accordance with the maternal clock. We focus on investigating when and how do the newborn clock develop and entrain.
Research in our laboratory focuses on the timing system not only in healthy volunteers but also in patients suffering from disorders associated with disrupted sleep pattern. The aim of our projects is to find connections between the functional state of the timing system and those disorders.
Lucie Olejníková, Lenka Polidarová, Michal Behuliak, Martin Sládek and Alena Sumová.
Circadian alignment in a foster mother improves the offspring’s pathological phenotype. Journal of Physiology (2018), DOI: 10.1113/JP275585.
New publication: Aging does not compromise in vitro oscillation of the suprachiasmatic nuclei but makes it more vulnerable to constant light
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Sládek; Martin - Houdek; Pavel - Sumová; Alena
Circadian profiling reveals distinct regulation of endocannabinoid system in the rat plasma; liver and adrenal glands by light-dark and feeding cycles
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 2019; 1864(12)); 158533
IF = 4.402
Sládek, Martin - Sumová, Alena
Modulation of NMDA-Mediated Clock Resetting in the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei of mPer2(Luc) Mouse by Endocannabinoids
Frontiers in physiology 2019, 10(Mar 29)), 361
IF = 3.201
Čečmanová; Vendula - Houdek; Pavel - Šuchmanová; Karolína - Sládek; Martin - Sumová; Alena
Development and Entrainment of the Fetal Clock in the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei: The Role of Glucocorticoids
Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2019; 34(3); 307-322
IF = 2.473
Shrestha, T. C. - Šuchmanová, Karolína - Houdek, Pavel - Sumová, Alena - Ralph, M. R.
Implicit time-place conditioning alters Per2 mRNA expression selectively in striatum without shifting its circadian clocks
Scientific Reports 2018, 8(Oct 19)), 15547
IF = 4.011
Petrásek, Tomáš - Vojtěchová, Iveta - Lobellová, Veronika - Popelíková, Anna - Janíková, Martina - Brožka, Hana - Houdek, Pavel - Sládek, Martin - Sumová, Alena - Krištofíková, Z. - Valeš, Karel - Stuchlík, Aleš
The McGill Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease Displays Cognitive and Motor Impairments, Changes in Anxiety and Social Behavior, and Altered Circadian Activity
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2018, roč. 10, Aug 28, článku 250
IF = 3.633
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