Zwischen Realität, Chimäre und Konzept
Does a cultural-political phenomenon of “Mitteleuropa” exist? What role could Central European states play in the European Union? How do Central European traditions resonate in Eastern and Western Europe? Many topics and even more questions! In October 2011, the Collegium Europaeum of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the University of Vienna, the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe in Vienna and the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague, organized the international conference “Mitteleuropa? Zwischen Realität, Chimäre und Konzept”. Several papers then gave rise to extended studies, to which editor Petr Hlaváček added several other treatises by leading Czech and foreign experts. This resulted in a German-English collective monograph in which the multi-layered phenomenon of Central Europe is viewed from the Czech, Austrian, German, Hungarian, Polish, and global perspectives.

204 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-432-9