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European Research Infrastructures in the fight against COVID-19

Published: 3/25/2020

European Research Infrastructures in the fight against COVID-19

Research related to COVID-19 tests and cure is being supported by European research infrastructures. Several activities are already in place and others are on their way. A page
on services offered to scientists conducting research related to COVID-19 is hosted by the Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities (ERF-AISBL) and you can check it here.

ERIC Forum is posting news related to COVID reaction on its homepage. Three ERICs – BBMRI-ERIC, CERIC-ERIC, INSTRUCT – ERIC are offering free priority access to the researchers working on COVID-19 related issues.

ERIC Forum along with ERF-AISBL is urging all research infrastructures to fill in the following questionnaire. In this way the European community will have evidence for opening possible new COVID-19 research related calls.

Keep track of the ERF-AISBL and ERIC Forum webpages as they will be full of news in the coming days and weeks.

Naděžda Witzanyová