Photosynthetica, 2000 (vol. 38), issue 1
Photosynthetica 2000, 38(1):135-141 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1026712428094
Effect of Indol-3-yl Acetic Acid on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Wheat Flag Leaf During Grain Filling
- 1 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
Area and fresh and dry masses of flag leaf show two phases of development during grain filling in Triticum aestivum. The initial large increase in leaf size is mainly due to water intake. Contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids, reducing sugars, and sucrose, Hill reaction rate, and photosynthetic activity increased during leaf growth, but a noticeable decline in these parameters followed throughout leaf senescence. The maximum accumulation of polysaccharides and proteins occurred at the beginning of grain set, but a continuous decline in their absolute values was manifested during grain filling. Grain priming with indol-3-yl acetic acid (IAA) at 25 mg kg-1 stimulated the flag leaf growth, namely its fresh and dry masses and its area. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect was mainly due to the increase in the pigment formation that in turn increased the photosynthetic activity of flag leaf during grain filling. On the other hand, the highest dose of IAA (50 mg kg-1) attenuated the growth and physiological activity of flag leaf through its inhibitory action on leaf fresh and dry masses, leaf area, pigments, saccharides and protein formation, as well as its effect on 14CO2 assimilation.
Keywords: carotenoids; chlorophylls; 14CO2 assimilation; flag leaf; fresh and dry masses; Hill reaction; leaf area; photosynthates; polysaccharides; proteins; sugars
Prepublished online: October 1, 2000; Published: April 1, 2000Show citation
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