Prof. PhDr. Pavel Materna, CSc.
- Contact
Institute of Philosophy
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jilská 1
Prague 1
111 00Phone:
(+420) 221 183 322
maternapavel (at)
- About me
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Pavel Materna
Born: 21 April 1930, Hněvkovice, Czechoslovakia
Nationality: Czech
Education and degrees:
1949-53: Undergraduate studies at the Charles University in philosophy and psychology.
1957: Candidate of Sciences, Charles University. Thesis title: „Zu einigen Fragen der modernen Definitionlehre"
1966: Docent, Assistant Professor, Masaryk University (then „J.E. Purkyně University"), Brno, Czechoslovakia. Thesis title: „Operative Auffassung der Methode" (published by Rozpravy ČSAV, 1965).
Academic appointments:
1965: Lecturer, Dept. Philosophy and Logic, Masaryk University Brno.
1967: Docent, Masaryk University Brno. Thesis: On Probléme.
1990: Scientific Worker, Institute of Philosophy, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (now the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Prague.
1991: Professor, Masaryk University Brno.
2003: Professor Emeritus, Masaryk University Brno.
(The dates of appointment are not continuous, due to the political situation in previous Czechoslovakia.)
Research and other activities
· Member of the editorial board of the philosophical journals:
o Filosofický časopis (Philosophical journal), Academy of Sciences, Prague
o Organon F, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
· ‚Correspondent étranger' of Logique et Analyse.
· Lecturer in the Vienna University (since 1992).
· Invited lecturer in the seminar of Transparent Intensional Logic, University of Leiden, Faculty of Philosophy, 2001.
· Member of the working group for humanities in the Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.
· Member of Internationale Bernard-Bolzano Gesellschaft, Salzburg, Austria.
· Chairman of the National Committee for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
· Tutor in a Popperian course in the Middle-European University, Budapest, 1997.
· A Permanent reviewer (since 1985) for "Zentralblatt für Mathematik".
· Invited lectures: Boulder University of Colorado, U.S.A.; Otago, University in Dunedin (New Zealand), Konstanz University, Tübingen, Leipzig (Germany), Warsaw, Cracow (Poland), Univerisity of Helsinki (Finland), and others.
· Presently invited together with M. Duží to organize a workshop at the 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Cracow, Poland.
· Taking active part in numerous international conferences/congresses.
· 2011 invited speaker 7th ECAP, Milano
Funding ID:
The last finished grant:
l No. 401/04/2073; Transparent intensional logic (a systematic exposition), supported by the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.
The current grant:
l Project No. GACR 401/07/0451, Semantisation of Pragmatics (together with Marie Duží who is the PI of this project). Supported by the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.
Project abstract:
Semantics studies meanings as abstract entities whereas pragmatics is interested in the way the user of the given language uses its expressions. One of the arguments on behalf of pragmatic conception is the claim that the meaning of an expression is universally dependent on a context. We are going to critically examine the dependence of meaning on internal (linguistic) and external context. To this end we develop a procedural theory of meaning based on the Transparent Intensional Logic and distinguish between meaning, denotation and reference. We show that the meaning proper is independent of any kind of context. By pursuing our research we are going to analyze some typical problems (like the problem of hyperintensionality, anaphora, indexicals, indefinite descriptions) which are currently supposed to be solvable only by involving pragmatics. Our aim is solving these problems by purely logical semantic means, and showing that when a sufficiently expressive logical system is used, pragmatics does not have to be involved. The theme of the project belongs to the most frequently addressed themes in the world semantic literature. Its analysis is of interest for semanticists, philosophers, logicians, linguists and even computer scientists.
Scientific Leadership Profile:
a) Self-evaluation
Accepting and developing a conception of logic formulated by Pavel Tichý, the conception that criticizes most of the mainstream approaches, I proved my resolution to advocate conceptions that are demonstrably sound but are massively distrusted in virtue of deeply established prejudices. My most significant contributions to current logic are thus notable results in logical analysis of natural language using Tichý's Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). Based on the procedural semantics of TIL, I developed a new and original theory of concepts, where concept is a closed TIL construction. This is a realistic, anti-contextualist and compositional remarkable adjustment of Frege's notion of concept. My theory of concepts is thus closer to Bolzano's significant ideas, and in many aspects also to Church's conception.
b) Content and impact of my major scientific and scholarly contributions
There is an idea in Tichý's TIL that makes it possible to explicate the notion of concept in a way that has not been applied till now, and is thus revolutionary. It is the idea of conceiving meanings as general algorithms known as TIL constructions. I utilized the procedural theory of meanings in a precise definition of concepts, in formulating exact criteria for synonymy of expressions, and, last but not least, in formulation the theory of conceptual systems. After having published numerous articles and presented papers in conferences and congresses in this respect I worked out a systematic theory of concepts based on TIL (see Concepts and Objects, Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol.63, 1998, and Conceptual Systems, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2004). Since various notions of concept are used not only in logic and philosophy, but also in cognitive sciences, my conception can be of interest in a broader area. Currently it is used and applied by researchers in the Czech Republic (see, e.g., the project "Logic and Artificial Intelligence for multi-agent systems", of the Research Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, VSB-Technical University Ostrava,, in Slovakia and in Netherlands.
c) International Recognition
Many colleagues from other countries appreciate my work and make use of it. I frequently participate on international conferences/congresses, always presenting papers and provoking discussions, which sometimes continue as epistolary exchange of views. A particular influence of my writings can be stated in Slovakia, where a significant group of logicians/philosophers supports my efforts and accepts my articles in the journal Organon F for analytical philosophy. Another research department, where my theory is recognized, is Delft University of Technology, Section of Philosophy, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, where my previous PhD student Dr. Bjorn Jespersen makes use of my results and applies them in his own research on large social systems. Currently we are working (with Marie Duží) on a monograph on Transparent Intensional Logic, Foundations and Application that is submitted for publication by Springer.
I was also asked to give an invited talk in many other universities, to name at least the following ones:
· Boulder University of Colorado, U.S.A., 1998;
· Otago, University in Dunedin (New Zealand), 2000;
· University of Helsinki, Finland, 1998, 2000, 2005;
· Invited lecturer in the seminar on Transparent Intensional Logic, University of Leiden, Faculty of Philosophy, Holland, 2001;
· Invited lectures 2002: Faculty of Philosophy, Komensky University of Bratislava, Slovakia;
· Invited lectures 2004: Foundations of TIL, Attitudes – Intensionality and Hyperintensionality, Parmenides Principle of subject matter, Epistemic Closure; University of Tuebingen, University of Leipzig, Germany, University of Bucharest, Romania;
· Invited lectures 2006: Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Foundations of TIL, compositionality;
· Invited talk in Delft University of Technology on Modalities, 2007.
My university lectures have been attended by many talented students, some of which became my PhD students. They were all successful, one of them works now in Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. As far as I know, all my former doctorands work in academic research sphere.
I established a school of logical analysis of natural language and theory of concepts based on the procedural semantics of TIL. Currently, there are approximately twenty active 'TILians' who conduct research in this area and make use of it in various disciplines of logic, philosophy, computational linguistics and computer science. To name at least some of them: Masaryk University Brno – Horák, Pala, Raclavský, Niederle, Kuchyňka; Technical University Ostrava – Duží, Číhalová, Frydrych, Ciprich, Košinár; Univeristy of Komenský, Bratislava and Slovak Academy of Sciences – Gahér (the rector), Cmorej, Zouhar; Delft University of Technology – Jespersen.
10-Year-Track-Record (max 2 pages):
Articles in journals:
1. Rules of Existential Quantification into 'Intensional Context'. Studia Logica, 1997. 59, No 3, 331-343
Cited by 3: Duží2. Simple Concepts and Simple Expressions. The Logica Yearbook 1999, Filosofia Prague, pp. 245-256, 2000.
Cited by 8: Duží, Jespersen, Bahník, Černý, Šmíd, Cardal, Joch3. Are Wooden Tables Necessarily Wooden? (With B. Jespersen). Acta Analytica 2002, Vol. 17, No 28, 115-150
Cited by 8: Jespersen, Cmorej4. The So-Called Myth of the Museum. Organon F 2004, Vol. 11, No 3, 229-242
5. Quine's Criticism of the First Dogma of Empiricism. Logic and Logical Philosophy 2005, 13, 5-30
6. Parmenides Principle (with Marie Duží). Philosophia, philosophical quaterly of Israel, 2005, 32, Nos 1-4, 155-180
Cited by 4: Duží7. Ordinary Modalities. Logique & Analyse 2005, 189-192, 57-70
8. Once More on Analytic vs. Synthetic. Logic and Logical Philosophy 2007, 16, 3-43
9. The notion of problem, intuitionism and partiality. Logic and Logical Philosophy 2008, 17,
10. Concepts and Recipes. Acta Analytica 2009, 24: 69-90
With co-authors:
11. Duží, M., Materna, P.: A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori. Korean Journal of Logic, 2004, vol. 7, No. 1, 1-22
Cited by 212. Duží, M., Materna, P.: Logical Form. In Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics and Logic, 2005, Vol. 1, 115-153
Cited by 113. Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P.: Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I). Organon F, philosophical journal, 2006, vol. XIII, No. 3, 277-305
14. Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P.: Points of View from a Logical Perspective (II). Organon F, philosophical journal, 2007, vol. XIV, No. 1,
5-31Research monographs and any translations thereof:
1. Concepts and Objects. Acta Philosophica Fennica 63, 1998
ISBN 951-9264-34-5, ISSN 0355-1792
Tummavuoren Kirjapaino Oy, Vantaa
Cited by 64: Kruijff, Horák, Novák, Duží, Kopeček, Pala
2. Filozofická logika:nová cesta? (Philosophical Logic - a New Way?) (with J. Štěpán). Olomouc 2000, Universita Palackého. ISBN 80-244-0109
3. Conceptual Systems. Logos Verlag Berlin 2004.
ISBN 3-8325-0636-5, ISSN 1435-3415
Cited by 19: Duží, Jespersen, RaclavskýForthcoming:
Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P.: Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic, Springer Verlag
Research and other activities:
· Member of the editorial board of the philosophical journals:
o Filosofický časopis (Philosophical journal), Academy of Sciences, Prague
o Organon F, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
· ‚Correspondent étranger' of Logique et Analyse.
· Lecturer in the Vienna University (since 1992).
· Invited lecturer in the seminar of Transparent Intensional Logic, University of Leiden, Faculty of Philosophy, 2001.
· Member of the working group for humanities in the Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.
· Member of Internationale Bernard-Bolzano Gesellschaft, Salzburg, Austria.
· Chairman of the National Committee for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
· Tutor in a Popperian course in the Middle-European University, Budapest, 1997.
· A Permanent reviewer (since 1985) for "Zentralblatt für Mathematik".
· Invited lectures: Boulder University of Colorado, U.S.A.; Otago, University in Dunedin (New Zealand), Konstanz University, Tübingen, Leipzig (Germany), Warsaw, Cracow (Poland), Univerisity of Helsinki (Finland), and others.
· Taking active part in numerous international conferences/congresses.
· Summer School in Prague 2004
· Presently invited together with M. Duží to organize a workshop on "Concepts and Structured meanings" at the 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Cracow, Poland.
I also take part in organizing and actively participating the annual international symposium Logica, organized by the Research group for Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Prague, see The Symposium is attended by specialists from all over the world, dealing with contemporary logical problems in philosophy, mathematics, linguistics and other related disciplines.
2005 awarded by a medal for scientific and pedagogical activities by Josef Hlávka Foundation
Other medals from the ministry of education and from Masaryk University during the following ten years
2016 emeritus scientific researcher of the Academy of sciences.
July 2011 -- The Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has presented Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic with its prestigious award for outstanding results of major scientific importance
- Selected publications
Selected publications from 2001
- Duží, M.; Materna, Pavel. Několik poznámek k Peregrinovu hodnocení TIL. Filosofický časopis 2017, roč. 65, č. 1, s. 113-116. ISSN 0015-1831.
- Materna, Pavel. Proč nemůže množinový objekt hrát roli Fregova 'smyslu'. Filosofický časopis 2016, roč. 64, č. 6, s. 869-881. ISSN 0015-1831.
- Materna, Pavel. Hovory o pojmu. Praha: Academia, 2016. 158 s. ISBN 978-80-200-2536-4.
- Materna, Pavel. Logical Analysis of Natural Language as an Organic Part of Logic. Studia Philosophica. Vol. 62, no. 2 (2015), pp. 74-85.
- Materna, Pavel. Two Approaches to Philosophically Analyzing Language. The Logica Yearbook 2014. London: College publications, 2015 - (Arazim, P.; Dančák, M.), pp. 203-214.
- Materna, Pavel. Concepts as hyperintensional objects. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 23, no. 2 (2014), pp. 133-170.
- Materna, Pavel. Is transparent intensional logic a non-classical logic?. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 23, no. 1 (2014), pp. 47-55.
- Materna, Pavel. Světélko rozumu ve tmě oktrojované dialektiky. O úloze prof. Tondla v prostředí oficiálního Marxismu. [A light of reason in the darkness of the imposed dialectic. On the role of Prof. Tondl in the milieu of official Marxism.] Teorie vědy. Vol. 36, Suppl. (2014), pp. 173-174.
- Materna, Pavel. Equivalence of Problems. Axiomathes. Vol. 23, no. 4 (2013), pp. 617-631.
- Materna, Pavel. Atentát a pojmy. [Attempt on life and concepts.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 61, no. 2 (2013), pp. 257-265.
- Materna, Pavel. Expresivita logické analýzy přirozeného jazyka. [Expressivity of logical analysis of natural language.] Organon F. Vol. 20, Supp. 2 (2013), pp. 112-116.
- Materna, Pavel. Simple Concepts. Acta Analytica. Vol. 28, no. 3 (2013), pp. 295-319.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. TIL jako procedurální logika. Průvodce zvídavého čtenáře Transparentní intensionální logikou. [TIL as a Procedural Logic: A Guide of Transparent Intensional Logic for a Curious Reader.] Bratislava: Aleph, 2012. 414 p. - (Noema, 7).
- Materna, Pavel. Funkce - procedura - konstrukce. [Function - Procedure - Construction.] Organon F. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2012), pp. 283-305.
- Materna, Pavel. Koncert pseudootázek. [Plenty of Pseudo-questions.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 60, no. 3 (2012), pp. 431-436.
- Materna, Pavel. Mathematical and Empirical Concepts. Rationis Defensor. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012 - (Maclaurin, J.), pp. 209-233. (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 28)
- Materna, Pavel. Pojem problému z hlediska teorie konstrukcí. [The Concept of Problem from the Viewpoint of the Theory of Constructions.] Organon F. Vol. 19, Supp.1 (2012), pp. 137-143.
- Materna, Pavel. Science-Logic-Philosophy. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 21, no. 2 (2012), pp. 107-126. DOI:
- Materna, Pavel. The Role of Logical Analysis of Natural Language in Formulating Empirical Problems. News and Views. Vol. 4, 2-3 (2012), pp. 131-146.
- Materna, Pavel. Transparent Intensional Logic: A Challenge. The Logica Yearbook 2011. London: College Publications, 2012 - (Peliš, M.; Punčochář, V.), pp. 153-179.
- Materna, Pavel. A Notion of Concept is either Superfluous or Procedural. The Logica Yearbook 2010. London: College Publications, 2011 - (Peliš, M.; Punčochář, V.), pp. 125-142.
- Materna, Pavel, Kmuníček, V. Pojmy aneb co bylo dříve. [Concepts or What Preceded What.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 59, no. 5 (2011), pp. 733-745.
- Materna, Pavel. Třída - vlastnost - pojem. [Class - Property - Concept.] Organon F. Vol. 18, Suppl. (2011), pp. 26-31.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Can Concepts be Defined in Terms of Sets? Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2010), pp. 195-242. DOI:
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Co je a co není kontextualismus. [What is and what is not Contextualism.] Kontext a význam. Bratislava: aleph, 2010 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 11-21.
- Duží, Marie, Jespersen, Bjorn, Materna, Pavel. Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic. Berlin: Springer, 2010. 550 pp. - (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 17).
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Propoziční a pojmové postoje. [Propositional and Notional Attitudes.] Logika a přirozený jazyk. Praha: Filosofia, 2010, pp. 219-280.
- Materna, Pavel, Duží, Marie. Realismus a konstruktivismus z hlediska TIL. [Realism and constructivism from the perpective of TIL.] Realizmus, internalizmus, individualizmus. Bratislava: Infopress, 2010 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 75-83.
- Materna, Pavel. Concepts and Recipes. [Pojmy a recepty.] Acta Analytica. Vol. 24, no. 1 (2009), pp. 69-90.
- Materna, Pavel. The Notion of Problem, Intuitionism and Partiality. [Pojem problému, intuicionismu a parciality.] Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 17, no. 4 (2008), pp. 287-303. DOI:
- Materna, Pavel. Some Problems Connected with a Procedural Theory of Concepts. [Některé problémy spojené s procedurální teorií pojmů.] Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 2008 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 123-131.
- Materna, Pavel, Petrželka, Josef. Definition and Concept: Aristotelian Definition Vindicated. [Definice a pojem. Ospravedlnění aristotelské definice.] Studia Neoaristotelica. Vol. 5, no. 1 (2008), pp. 3-37.
- Materna, Pavel. Church's Criticism of Carnap's Intensional Isomorphism from the Viewpoint of TIL. [Churchova kritika Carnapova intensionálního isomorfismu z hlediska TIL.] Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 2007 - (Marvan, T.; Zouhar, M.), pp. 108-118.
- Materna, Pavel. Properties of Mathematical Objects. (Gödel on classes, properties and concepts). [Vlastnosti matematických objektů. (Gödel o třídách, vlastnostech a pojmech).] Meze formalizace, analytičnosti a prostoročasu. Praha: Filosofia, 2007, pp. 71-88.
- Materna, Pavel. Once more on Analytic vs. Synthetic. [Ještě jednou o rozdílu analytický - syntetický.] Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 16, no. 1 (2007), pp. 3-43. DOI:
- Duží, Marie, Jespersen, Bjørn, Materna, Pavel. Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I). [Hlediska z perspektivy logiky (I).] Organon F. Vol. 13, no. 3 (2006), pp. 277-305.
- Bolzanova teorie pojmu viděná z dnešního hlediska. [Bolzano's Theory of concepts viewed from the present-day viewpoint.] Osamělý myslitel Bernard Bolzano. Praha: Filosofia, 2006 - (Trlifajová, K.), pp. 27-45
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Logical Form. [Logická forma.] Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics ad Logic. Monza: Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, 2005 - (Sica, G.), s. 115-153.
- Materna, Pavel. Ordinary Modalities. [Běžné modality.] Logique et Analyse. Vol. 48, no. 189-192 (2005), pp. 57-70.
- Materna, Pavel, Duží, Marie. Parmenides principle (The Analysis of Aboutness). [Analýza denotace.] Philosophia. Vol. 32, no. 1-4 (2005), pp. 155-180.
- Materna, Pavel. Quine's Criticism of the First Dogma of Empiricism.[Quineova kritika "Prvního dogmatu empirismu".] Logic and Logical Philosophy. NO. 13 (2004), pp. 5-30.
- Materna, Pavel. The So-Called Myth of the Museum. Takzvaný mýtus muzea.] Organon F. Vol. 11, no. 3 (2004), pp. 229-242.
- Materna, Pavel. Conceptual Systems. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2004, 195 p.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori.[Procedurální teorie pojmů a problém syntetického a priori.] Korean Journal of Logic. Vol. 7, no. 1 (2004), p. 1-23.
- Materna, Pavel. Is Strong Correspondence (Theory of Truth) Possible? Philosophy and Logic. Search of the Polish Tradition. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 - (Hintikka, J.; Czarnecki, T.; Kijania-Placek, K.; Rojszczak, A.), pp. 13-26.
- Actuality and Possibility. From the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic. In: Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 - (Rojszczak, A.; Cachro, J.), pp. 289-295. (Synthese Library. Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. 30).
- Jespersen, Bjørn, Materna, Pavel. Are Wooden Tables Necessarily Wooden? Intensional Essentialism Versus Metaphysical Modality. Acta Analytica. Vol. 17, no. 1 (2002), pp. 115-150.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Propositional Attitudes Revised. The Logica Yearbook 2000. Praha: Filosofia, 2001 - (Majer, O.), pp. 163-173.
- Materna, Pavel. Logika, pravda a pluralita. [Logic, Truth, Plurality.] Filosofie po postmoderně. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2001 - (Horák, P.; Krob, J.; Rivenc, F.), pp. 19-22.
- Materna, Pavel. Konceptuální pravdy (aneb může pohádka obsahovat logický spor?). [Conceptual truths.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 49, no. 3 (2001), pp. 425-440.
- Materna, Pavel. Funkce a konstrukce. [Functions and Constructions.] Funkcionalismus ve vědě a filosofii. Praha: Filosofia, 2001 - (Nosek, J.), pp. 52-68.
Selected older publications
- 2000: Two Notions of Concept. In: O. Majer, ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia, 13-54.
- 2000: Simple Concepts and Simple Expressions. In: O. Majer, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1999, Praha, Filosofia, 245-257.
- 2000: Filozofická logika: nová cesta? Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého (with J. Štěpán).
- 2000: Empirical Concepts. In: O. Majer, ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia, 116-125.
- 2000: Smysl, denotace, reference. In: P. Cmorej, ed.: Organon F: Denotácia, referencia a význam, 9-15.
- 1999: Indirect Correspondence Theory of Truth Vindicated. In: T. Childers, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1998, Praha, Filosofia, 36-49.
- 1999: Actuality and Possibility from the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic. In: J. Cachro, K. Kijania-Placek, eds.: 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume of Abstracts, Cracow.
- 1998: Pragmatic Meaning. In: T. Childers, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1997, Praha, Filosofia, 65-70.
- 1998: Concepts and Objects. Acta Philosophica Fennica 63, Helsinki.
- 1997: Rules of Existential Quantification into 'Intensional Context'. Studia Logica 59(3), 331-343.
- 1997: How Many Concepts Are There? In: T. Childers, P. Kolář, V. Svoboda, eds.: Logica '96.
- 1996: Three Kinds of using the identity sign. In: B. H. Partee, P. Sgall,eds.: Discourse and Meaning. Papers in Honor of Eva Hajičová.
- 1995: The Modes of Presentation: Concepts. In: J. Hill, P. Koťátko, eds.: Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning, Praha.
- 1995: Svět pojmů a logika [The World of Concepts and Logic] Praha: Filozofie AV ČR. (second edition in 1998).
- 1995: Logik und Begriff. In: I. Max, W. Stelzner, eds.: Logik und Mathematik, de Gruyter.
- 1990: Distinguishing Capability vs. Informational Capability of Attributes. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 9 (with M.Duží).
- 1989: Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka [Logical Analysis of Natural Language]. Praha: Academia (with K. Pala, J. Zlatuška).
- 1988: 'Linguistic Constructions' in the Transparent Intensional Logic. In: W. Buszkowski, W. Marciszewski, J. van Benthem, eds.: Categorial Grammar (with E. Hajičová, P. Sgall).
- 1987: Redundant Answers and Topic/Focus Articultion. Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (with E. Hajičová, P. Sgall).
- 1984: Optional Participants in a Semantic Interpretation (Arity of Predicates and Case Frames of Verbs). In: P. Sgall, ed.: Contributions To Functional Syntax, Semantics and Language Comprehension. J. Benjamins PC Amsterdam/Philadelphia (with P. Sgall).
- 1984: Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Fregeschen Kategorie des Sinnes. II. Frege Conference, Schwerin.
- 1983: On Understanding and Believing. In: In: E. Hajičová, M. Těšitelová and J. Horecký, eds.: Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 8, John Benjamins Publishing Company/Academia 211-224.
- 1981: Question-like and Non-question-like Imperative Sentences. Linguistics and Philosophy 4(3), 393-404.
- 1981: Applying Simple Theory of Types to Data Bases. Information Systems 6(4), 283-300 (with J. Pokorný).
- 1979: An Intensional Approach to Questions. Kybernetika 15(3), 161-192.
- 1978: Theory of Types and Data Description. Kybernetika 14(5), 313-327.
- 1974: Some remarks on Montague's language L0 in comparison with Tichy's language Lm. Linguistische Berichte 34, 34-39.
- 1970: On Problems. Rozpravy ČSAV (Transactions of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Praha.
- 1969: Identity, Equivalence and Isomorphism of Problems. Journal of Symbolic Logic 34, 24-34.