Slavíková Marcela

ASEP Publications

RIV ID 9069612

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Records found: 3

0503474 - FLÚ 2019 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Lelková, Iva - Slavíková, Marcela
“The Utrecht Link”: The Previously Unknown Correspondence between Jan Amos Comenius and Johann van Almeloveen.
Acta Comeniana. -, 31/55 (2017), s. 63-92. ISSN 0231-5955
R&D Projects: GA ČR GB14-37038G
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Jan Amos Comenius * Johann van Almeloveen * Dutch republic of letters * early modern scholarly correspondence * correspondence edition
Subject RIV: AB - History
Obor OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
Permanent link:

0484276 - FLÚ 2018 RIV CZ cze M - Monograph chapter
Slavíková, Marcela
Komenského myšlenky o hudbě.
[Comenius’s thoughts on music.]
Ex definitione. Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty. Studie Martinu Steinerovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2017 - (Řezníková, L.; Urbánek, V.), s. 211-232. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, 16. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3
R&D Projects: GA ČR GB14-37038G
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Comenius * pansophia * concepts * lexicography * early modern knowledge
Subject RIV: AB - History
Obor OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
Permanent link:

0509555 - FLÚ 2020 RIV CZ cze, lat, eng B - Monograph kniha jako celek
Steiner, Martin (ed.) - Havelka, Tomáš (ed.) - Urbánek, Vladimír (ed.) - Bok, V. (ed.) - Klosová, Markéta (ed.) - Slavíková, Marcela (ed.) - Storchová, Lucie (ed.) - Šolcová, Kateřina (ed.)
Dílo Jana Amose Komenského = Johannis Amos Comenii Opera omnia 26/I. Korespondence. Část I, 1628-1638 = Epistulae. Pars I, 1628-1638.
[The Complete Works of Jan Amos Comenius = Johannis Amos Comenii Opera omnia 26/1. The Letters. Part 1, 1629-1638.]
Praha: Academia, 2018. 353 s. Dílo Jana Amose Komenského = Johannis Amos Comenii Opera omnia, 26/1. ISBN 978-80-200-2991-1
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GB14-37038G
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: J. A. Comenius * critical edition * correspondence * intellectual life - Europe - 17th century * education - 17th century * philosophy - 17th century
Subject RIV: AB - History
Obor OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
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Citation, Review▾
Book Review:
VACULÍNOVÁ, Marta. Listy filologické. 2019, 142(3-4), 516-518. ISSN 0024-4457 [EVALUATION]
VOIGT, Uwe. Comenius-Jahrbuch. 2019, (27), 153-155. ISSN 0945-313X [EVALUATION]