Otýlie Dvořáková-Suková

Text dotazu

Hello! Could you please tell me, how you write the whole name of the wife of the composer Josef Suk. I found this name (Otýlie Sukova-Dvořákova) from one catalogue, but I would like to be sure that it is the right way to write her name. I have found also the names Otylka and Otilie for her first names. I appreciate your answer!


Your information is true. The wife of Josef Suk used both surnames (Dvorak and Suk). Her whole name is: Otýlie Dvořáková - Suková. Authority Database of the National Library of the Czech Republic:
http://sigma.nkp.cz:/F/?func=find-c&ccl_term=sys=000056065&local_base=AUT alleges whole name.

The other catalogues in Czech Republic use her whole name too.
The right first name is Otýlie. Otylka is familiar form of the name Otýlie.


Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

07.05.2009 09:19

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