Travel guide about Ireland and/or Scotland

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I am living in Pilsen and I am looking for a travel guide about Ireland and/or Scotland to borrow from the library. WOuld the science library of Pilsen have this kind of book?

Thank you for your feedback



Thank you for your interest. We have following travel guides in our library:

BARDWELL, Sandra. Walking in Scotland. Footscray: Lonely Planet Publications, 2007. 347 p. Lonely planet. ISBN 978-1-74104-203-0. Shelf number: 31B28807, Location: B.

BAXTER, Colin. The Edinburgh visitor guide. First published. Grantown-on-Spey: Colin Baxter Photography, 2004. 96 p. ISBN 1-84107-323-7. Shelf number: 31B83516, Location: B.

DAVENPORT, Fionn et al. Ireland. Footscray: Lonely Planet Publications, 2008. 764 p. Lonely planet. ISBN 978-1-74104-696-0. Shelf number: 31B28791, Location: B.

HUMPHREYS, Rob, REID, Donald and HUTCHISON, Colin. The Scottish Highlands & Islands. 4th ed. New York: Rough Guides, 2006. 583 p. ISBN 1-84353-690-0. Shelf number: 31B28741, Location: B.

WILSON, Neil and MURPHY, Alan. Scotland. Footscray: Lonely Planet, 2008. 484 p. Lonely planet. ISBN 978-1-74104-725-7. Shelf number: 31B28787, Location: B.

All these books are located in The English Library. First, you need to visit our main building (address: Smetanovy sady 2) and register in the entrance hall, then go to The English Library (address: náměstí Republiky 12). You can find further information about registration here: and information about opening hours here:

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Geografie. Geologie. Vědy o zemi




Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje v Plzni

Datum zadání dotazu

10.07.2018 23:58

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