We are accepting submissions for the 56th volume of Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina which is to be published at the end of the year 2020! While we regularly accept submissions throughout the year, the deadline for submitting your paper, should it be considered for publication in Eirene 56, 2020, is the end of June 2020. More details here.
General information
Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, established in 1960, is scholarly journal of Classics, international and peer-reviewed complying with the criteria of the database ERIH PLUS. It is published once a year (one double issue) by the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. It is abstracted / indexed in following scientific databases:
L’année philologique
The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH Plus)
Modern Language Association International Bibliography
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
The journal accepts submissions in English, German, French and Italian. All contributions (except for reviews) are sent anonymously for double-blind peer-review.
Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina welcomes and publishes original research on classics (including Late Antiquity), reception of Antiquity and classical traditions. Usually, following sections within a journal’s issue are assembled: literature and philology; philosophy; history, historiography, and archaeology; patristics. It also brings up-to-date reviews (or review essays) of scholarly literature on these subjects. It is published once a year, usually at the end of December.
Submissions of articles and reviews, as well as orders for subscriptions and exchanges, are to be sent by e-mail to:
Books for review and other correspondence should be mailed to:
Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina
Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Na Florenci 3
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 234 612 330
Fax: +420 222 828 305

PhDr. Petr Kitzler, Ph.D.
Managing Editor
Mgr. Jakub Čechvala, Ph.D.
Centre for Classical Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha