The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

EMTRAIC was held at the COMPASS tokamak

On December 3 - 14 the winter course EMTRAIC was held at the COMPASS Tokamak. This course is similar to the SUMTRAIC summer training course, however, it is organised for the students of the Erasmus Mundus Fusion Master Programme.

The European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) is a unique programme in the EU by the combination of engineering sciences and a dedicated study of various disciplines of physics ( ).
The jointness/integration of FUSION-EP is evident from multiple components during the course curriculum, in particular the joint modules. These include for the second master year students a two-week Joint Experimentation and Analysis Session (EMTRAIC) on the COMPASS Tokamak in December at IPP Prague and a two-week Joint Practicum in February at CEA Cadarache (France).
EMTRAIC 2018 was attended by 7 students from 6 countries divided into groups by topics. Each group was supervised by 1 or 2 experts from the COMPASS staff. The training was concluded by the  workshop, where the students presented achieved results. The topics were strongly related to the current research programme of the COMPASS Tokamak.

3 Dec 2018