Photosynthetica, 2001 (vol. 39), issue 4

Photosynthetica 2001, 39(4):565-568 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1015608229741

Photosynthetic Efficiency of Plants of Brassica Juncea, Treated with Chlorosubstituted Auxins

A. Ahmad, S. Hayat, Q. Fariduddin, I. Ahmad

The leaves of 29-d-old plants of Brassica juncea Czern & Coss cv. Varuna were sprayed with 10-6 or 10-8 M aqueous solutions of indole-3-yl-acetic acid (IAA) or its substituted derivatives 4-Cl-IAA, 7-Cl-IAA, and 4,7-Cl2-IAA. All the auxins improved the vegetative growth and seed yield at harvest compared with those sprayed with de-ionised water (control). 4-Cl-IAA was most prominent in its effect, generating 21.6, 39.7, 61.0, 35.0, 65.5, and 56.2% higher values for dry mass, leaf chlorophyll content, carbonic anhydrase (E.C. and nitrate reductase (E.C. activities, net photosynthetic rate, and carboxylation efficiency, respectively, in 60-d-old plants. It also enhanced the seed yield by 31.1% over the control. The order of response of the plants to various auxins was 4-Cl IAA ≥ 7-Cl IAA > 4,7-Cl2 IAA = IAA > control.

Keywords: carbonic anhydrase; carboxylation efficiency; chloroindole auxins; chlorophyll; net photosynthetic rate; nitrate reductase; pod; seed yield

Published: December 1, 2001Show citation

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Ahmad, A., Hayat, S., Fariduddin, Q., & Ahmad, I. (2001). Photosynthetic Efficiency of Plants of Brassica Juncea, Treated with Chlorosubstituted Auxins. Photosynthetica39(4), 565-568. doi: 10.1023/A:1015608229741.
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